I remember seeing threads of these dolls on b last year or something, what do you think about this?

I remember seeing threads of these dolls on b last year or something, what do you think about this?


English: translate.google.no/translate?sl=no&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/tollere-har-beslaglagt-sexdukker-fremstilt-som-barn/a/23939773/&edit-text=&act=url

I wanna fuck the police lady

happy i didn't buy one
we live in a fucking thought police state
if i wanna fuck some plastic i should be able to do that without anybody caring

It looks like they are wrapping it up for Christmas.

Anybody still got those vids?

>if i wanna fuck some plastic i should be able to do that without anybody caring
I agree, I'd guess this could also lead pedos away from actual children and let them have their way with a realistic doll instead..

Police views though; "..and it is possible that sexual intercourse with dolls can break down barriers against committing child abuse"

sexual intercourse with dolls can break down barriers against committing child abuse

>are they really that stupid.

Sweden is taken over by refugees anyway their country is fubar.
RIP sweden 1397-2017

>I agree, I'd guess this could also lead pedos away from actual children and let them have their way with a realistic doll instead..
true. better jerk off to their kids on facebook instead... cuz that wont lead to wanting the real deal

I also remember people ordering these for convenience and price too; 15kg 1m doll at $1k vs 50kg 1.7m at $6k

Just like violent video games make people commit more crime.

Oh wait.

>Country invaded by low IQ sand monkeys
>In flames, rapes skyrocketing
>We need to stop these rubber dolls from coming in, someone could get hurt

oy vey a few more.

what got me about this is the "incredibly life like"... i mean really now.. really..

After Brevik was done video game stores had to take down violent games and games used by him for a certain time.. Maybe more out of respect idk, still..

did they tho? i remember the hubbub around that shit, none of the stores around did so, or atleast i didnt notice-

can't confirm, i didn't exactly go out to check, they might have done it in some places more nearby maybe.. i just remember reading it in the news after..

Did they also take down his favourite cereal? Better safe than sorry.

its a ridiculous concept either way, u can bet ur ass VG was on that shit like flies on a turd, scaring old ladies.

Lmao. I just read this article.

no luckily.. its some dense shit. i remember articles reading "breivik trained using Call of Duty video game".... like wtf. trained to trash talk and 360 noscope..mygod

The entire article they seem to be angling that way heavily but everyone who actually comments says "but we just don't know."
The reason they are seizing these dolls is because portraying children sexually in any way is illegal here.

rebrand as midget dolls no problem? i wont say im against that law in particular, but it seems fucking arbitrary to say "in likeness of a child", no actually it looks like a fucking doll. fair enough the packages were sent with children shit, sorta creepy, but how do u draw that line. they all look like barbie anyway

I actually just found out about that law lol, up until now i though loli was legal here too

don't forget; "Breivik: Playing 'World of Warcraft' helped me prepare for the attacks"

>up until now i though loli was legal here too
breaking the law just by going to Sup Forums lol

funny, but the makers can just add cat or elf ears and say it's not human.

ye obviously, more dots more dots, fear that camp guardian etc.

First of all you can't say "looks like a doll" because that description is too vague. if saying that is okay then so is "in the likeness of a child" which is far more relevant.

aight fine, exclude that part but keep the rest. still seems a bit "loose" i guess. as someone posted earlier, but on a few cat ears and its fine? it seems the only factor (except the creepy children paraphernalia ) is the size, and there could be a multitude of reasons for that. Price, handling etc. And im not sure i agree that "in the likeness of a child" is really a lot more relevant in this particular case. scale that doll up and it would look like any other cum tool. granted i dont really know the details of the doll other than pic.

in the end i dont have a problem with these dolls being stopped, the fact that they come with childrens clothing etc. is enough for me to put up the mental breaks.


>Welcome to Sup Forums
It's not about the paedophilia, it's all about fucking over the police,