In all honesty can you ever see Metal Gear Solid working as a movie?

In all honesty can you ever see Metal Gear Solid working as a movie?

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Only if Kojima directed and had someone else writing to make the story comprehensible enough for a wider audience. Maybe Rian Johnson?


sure just have to mix Beasts of No Nations with BVS and Star Wars TFA.


Yup. :^)

No, the story is to long
Hell, the final conversation in 4 takes an hour alone

no, it only works as a video game.


Not without looking like a spoof of the source material.

It's already in production

Metal Gear's themes are hugely dependent on their nature as video games, despite all the memeing about them being movies

Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 might work, the others, impossible

Uh, how to break this to you OP, but MGS is already a movie


>Metal Gear Solid 2 is often considered the first example of a postmodern video game,[73][82][83] and has often been cited as a primary example of artistic expression in video games.[73][74][83][84] In his paper How Videogames Express Ideas, Matthew Weise of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described Sons of Liberty as "perhaps the most vivid example of a game that uses tension between different levels of player agency to fuel a multi-faceted ideological argument," noting Solidus Snake's suggestion of the United States being a "totalitarian regime of thought control" and pointing to the "very meta concept" of "how the designer’s imposed plan or path for the player maps to the tyrannical nature of the government", where, "like the player, Jack has no agency other than what his puppet masters give him."[74] In the book Joystick Soldiers: The Politics of Play in Military Video Games, Tanner Higgin examined the game's "resistant and subversive counter-history of military engagement," describing its "convoluted narrative and unconventional gameplay logics" as a "critique" of "the very networks of biopolitical and informational control that comprise the postmodern military, and posthumanity generally," and noting that it "purposefully manufactures frustration and negative affect" to "highlight the typically unexamined codes, conventions, and hidden pleasures of the military game genre."[110] Jeremy Parish of notes that "Metal Gear Solid 2 is a game built on misinformation" and that it "was simply too avant-garde—too clever—for its own good."[111]

What is this thread
Alternative universe RP thread?
They've made tons of movies already
In all seriousness though, how good do you think a vidya spin-off of the MGS series work?

You could make a really good live action film of it.

Even better story and narrative than the games since Kojima later fucked it all up with a melodramatic plot tweests and other stupid shit that retconned the fuck out of everything - you could just pick the working parts and form a film around that.

>implying Sup Forums isn't better than Sup Forums

Sup Forums is by far the shittiest board on Sup Forums after s4s.

You can actually discuss variety of games, devs, styles etc. in Sup Forums

fucking Sup Forums is nothing but pol shit flinging their autism over epic culture wars and some gore porn spam, and capeshit

ya MGS4

>Sup Forums complaining about any other board shitting up via crossposting


what a terrible fucking quote kys

agreed, I think it's just insecure anons who are clinging to the idea that since film is a more accepted medium by normies their board is better, but that clearly isn't the case.

It's already a series of movies


no but i can see dark souls working

I really want Werner Herzog to direct Dark Souls film but it will never happen.

His Aguirre-Fitzcarraldo style with his modern documentary style would just fucking fit it.


I could only see it as a 6/10 mediocre CG straight to DVD movie. Like those Resident evil ones. That's as good as it gets. Live action would be awful, and as others have mentioned in this thread it would lose a lot by being a movie in the first place , so probably not a good idea.

>it will never happen.

Should I watch it in german or english?

It's already been made.

I keep imaging Werner directing it.

Lessons of Darkness type silent imagery of.. darkness.
Aguire-Fitzcarraldo type of realistic craziness.

It is a tragedy it'll never happen
German is the original recorded language IIRC, so I'd watch it in German.

They already made 5 successful movies of it so I don't see why not.

You could adapt the first 3 Metal Gear games as movies, then when you get to Sons of Liberty that can be adapted as two movies.

As far as Snake Eater that might be also in two movies.

MGS 4 could be its own movie or divided into two.

Portable OPS, Peace Walker and The Phantom Pain have to be tv-shows, though.

I heard that Christian Bale was a fan of the games and was interested in playing the role if a film adaptation were ever made. Of course I have no source or evidence of any kind, so keep that in mind.

I'm skeptical that an MGS film would work. The things that make it work is more the gameplay and wackiness of it than the story, which is usually convoluted at best. I'm also not sure an audience could tolerate the over the top boss characters.

my nigga, I thought the same thing when I rewatched it last year.

They've already been made into movies and it's on youtube.

Snake- Kramer
Kaz- Jerry
Ocelot- George
Quiet- Elaine
Code Talker- Bob Sacamano
Skull Face- Newman
Huey- Kenny Bania
Tretji Rebnok- Mickey Abbott
"Skulls" Parasite Unit- The Recurring Gays
The Man On Fire- Frank Costanza


People like to joke that it's a movie already, but theres far too much intricacy and long exposition for it to work as an actual movie.

Any attempt will result in garbage.

They would have to do the old nes ones combined then mgs then go back and tell big boss's story and if the franchise is still alive after that they could get away with fusing 2 & 4 together

Littlebit ot. But did anyone else get a psycho mantis vibe of the telekinesis villain from Hardcore Henry?

>[s4s] is bad

Wow, rude


It would work better as a 12 episode Netflix series.

/s4s/ is fucking terrible. It's the entry board for summerfags.

what is this ironman arm bullshit?
haven't played any metal gears since ps2

This. You can use the title but nobody could translate it to cinema without losing everything that name implies.

Everyone thinks he's Big Boss but he's just a medic that got caught in the same explosion. They brainwashed him into actually thinking hes Big Boss too.

1 and 3 would work well imo, as they're both self-contained stories

Obviously you'd experience it better as a game but I think the cinematic aspect of the game's storytelling and characterization would be great on the big screen

But, maybe 1 over 3, 1 is still more believable than the craziness that goes down in 3, it's like anime james bond

that's a prosthetic, he lost his actual arm in an explosion prior to this game's events, also he can shoot this arm like a guided rocket and punch people with it lmao

if they hire a competent writer -- sure why not

Clint Eastwood as Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot) when?

> not scott as solid and clint as BB
i meant it literally writes itself

Lee Van Cleef >>>>

obv he's dead now but that who Ocelot was based on, it would've been sick

b-b-but muh westerns

It already is a movie and a fucking shitty one

Every board blames pol for how shit their community is. I only go on pol when something stupid happens in the news so i dont really know their culture. Are they really that cancerous to mmchan?

Really, I need to re-watch that now. Anything I should be on the look out for.

I don't play too much vidya, but why do gamers insist that their hobby be given recognition of narrative superiority? And then they wonder why their space is being invaded by opportunistic critics and their demographic overpowered by casuals and their developers selling out to the lowest common denominator. You guys had something good going on until you started attention seeking.

Sup Forums is barely above /s4s/ in how shit it is, and I spend 90% of my time in this cesspool

No, the "peak" of the series story is 2 yet its themes are already told in a much better way by other stuff like The Matrix and GITS

It could work if you just adapted the surface level story and such, the Shadow Moses incident or Operation Snake Eater could work but the Big Shell incident would never work if you're trying to keep the themes of the games intact

The third level of Inception has always reminded me of Shadow Moses

Sup Forums is a boogeyman on most boards, but you can't ignore its influence on Sup Forums. Don't believe the revisionists, this board was about as political as Sup Forums. What happened was 2013. SJW culture debuted, some shitty reddit board invaded Sup Forums and it caused the political awakening of every shitposter there. from then on Sup Forums took a much more expansive approach to the website and roped a lot of people in. It's far too late to say that Sup Forums invades Sup Forums, the board culture has changed to the point where alt-right memes are synonymous and endemic to Sup Forums, and a lot of people here either started visiting Sup Forums after the realignment or flat out pretend this board was always Sup Forums-lite.

The reason Sup Forums came into THIS board and not Sup Forums or /lit/ is because 1: this board's film IQ was/is entry level and any sorry faggot can watch marvel/dc movies and know everything they need to know about this board and 2: film/tv is the blunt instrument of every pundit and ideologue out there and the alt-right is determined to expose liberal influence

>I'm tight off the Boat from reddit: the post

It's not to late too redeem yourself, just snuggle up and


While it would be insanely delicious to see what normies thought of a Kojima geopolitical philosophy monologue,

It just wouldn't happen.

the only way for metal gear to work as a movie is to take the story from the first game

meaning metal gear, not metal gear solid, or whatever. but the first fucking metal gear and present it as such.

>unnamed soldier needs to infiltrate a place called outer heaven founded by a legendary mercenary
>finds grey fox and shit
>finds metal gear
>finds out its all misdirection and counter intel by Big boss.

pretty fucking simple.

>making a movie about a movie-game
what's the point?

Extremely well put.

Fuck, think - even Sup Forums was more immune to Sup Forums's shitty take over.

>> not scott as solid and clint as BB
>i meant it literally writes itself



It's weird blend of Tom Clancy levels of military technical fetishism, anime melodrama, sci-fi & fantasy elements, and postmodern self-critique would never work as a live-action movie. The fact that it's animated and interactive does an enormous amount to smooth over all of that.

It's also already highly derivative of several movies.

There just wouldn't be any reason to adapt is a movie. You'd be taking a lot away from it, but what would you be adding to it?

>anime melodrama

Have you seen Kojima list his influences? It is all western media.

Movies like The Great Escape, The Wild Geese, Rambo, etc. are over the top but not in the way MGS is. It has a lot in common with Westernboo anime like Cowboy Bebop, Akira.

There's a fine line between good over the top and bad over the top villains. Senator Armstrong was good, while Skull Face was bad.

Its a strange hybrid which would be tough to attract mainstream audiences. Its way too political/philosophical for action movie fans, and at the same time it revolves around soldiers and warlords interacting with each other instead of politicians so that alienates the other so called "intellectual" group. Couple that with the extremely masculine and drawn out themes of the bond between brothers, and fathers/sons, and you have an extremely alienating movie series that would require a 4 hour runtime for each movie.

This, great post.

A metal gear movie should have been made years and years ago, it would be too much panned for being called a copycat of stuff like 24 and jason bourne

same thing with a splinter cell movie

>extremely masculine and drawn out themes of the bond between brothers, and fathers/sons

Fuck man, thanks for the reply, i only ever visit v, r9k, mu, and recently getting into tv. I always see people on r9k and v bitch about pol derailing a thread

MGS5 is far from successful compared to its budget

The Big Boss/Solid Snake relationship was more important to the overall series. Even MGS2 does the same thing with Raiden and Solidus. user's right, it is primarily father/son.

Why are you bringing budget into this at all
It doens't factor into the quality at all.

I'd only watch it, if it included Johnny Sasaki shitting himself. Pure kino.

>The Big Boss/Solid Snake relationship was more important to the overall series
Except everything in the series started, and was derivative from the relationship of Boss & Big Boss. Solid Snake is just there to clean up the bloody mess.

if there ever is a film series or Sup Forums miniseries

What retcons do you wish to be removed? Kojima did a lot of those.

I could see it happening but not the way hollywood or any MGS fan would want to do it

Give it to Shane Carruth the mad man.
or resurrect Antonioni I don't give a fuck

The boss is important in the sense that she got big boss started on his path, but she was the influence on big boss. Big boss was the influence on solid snake. I truly believe that the right way to look at the series is to see solid snake as the main character, so that's why I say the father/son/brother dynamic is so prevalent in the series.

>Big boss was the influence on solid snake
In later games, when he finds out about it, but this was on a smaller scale, in a personal level.

Every big action that Solid Snake, the player, is fixing up and saving people from, is because of Big Boss's hell bent drive (and skewed) to make Boss's vision true up until the chronologically final game (4). These are the main lines in the games, main stories and narratives, big picture.

that's how I see it and I really can't see it any other way.

Fuck they should totally do film about Boss under a name that isn't in anyway related to MGS and meme on people.

working as a movie? sure, as long as hideo has no control over it and they get a director who treats it as a movie and not an adaptation.

I see your point but I just don't think that providing big boss with the idea of outer heaven really makes her the most significant character in the series. It's like saying the winklevoss twins were more important than eduardo in the social network, if that makes any sense.

>people say MGS games are movies while The Last of Us and those other two David Cage projects exist

Mgs4 is the only one that deserves being called a movie

Yes and? MGS is a nice blend of the two, if you don't see anime influences alongside western homages then I don't know what to tell you

It makes it. Without Boss-Big Boss there'd be no games. No Big Boss trying to chase the ideas and dreams. Snake has no effect other than saving people and being out of the loop for many years.

>if you don't see anime influences alongside western homages then I don't know what to tell you
PLease bring up Akira which can be traced to Japanese cultural zeitgeist post-ww2 and ton of western films.

Don't know about Cowboy Beepop

one being a movie doesn't mean the other ones can't. Both MGS and the last of us have their merit. MGS3 would make a great movie.

Why is this Sup Forumseddit trash still up

Fine, MGSV was shit regardless of budget. It had good game play but that's not enough when everything else was garbage, especially the story when it was played up to be an amazing, groundbreaking event.

The trailers were the best thing about MGSV and it pains me to say it

>good gameplay.

I beg to differ.

The demo released prior to it with the massive prison complex was WAY better from gameplay standpoint. Such a big level.

I hated how small 'levels' were in GZ. Fucking two story house or something was the biggest it really got.

>It makes it. Without Boss-Big Boss there'd be no games.

Sorry user, I can't abide this. As much as I like MGS3 and the Boss, the Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid series rest on Big Boss and Solid Snake. MGS3 is ultimately a detour, a prequel/origin story for Big Boss, but like any prequel, it's not the heart of the story. It's ultimately information that we did well enough without (especially given how MGS4 treated MGS3).

It's been done.

I didn't mean it like that, a couple of the games could make great films if done correctly, I was referring to the Sup Forums meme of calling story-centric vidya movies

Yeah I can mainly because I played any of the MGS games. Those things at least 50% movie.

Hell take mgs4 as an example, just take all the cutscense and string them together with short sequences in between.
Hell thinking about it the biggest hurdle you'd face would be cutting it down for time.