Beards are gross. Shave that shit.
Beards are gross. Shave that shit
You're gross
make me bitch
suck my manly dick
I will once the burn that bush, daddy.
Beards are just dudes with little man syndrome over compensating.
Whatever they say out loud, chicks prefer clean cut men
Since when does it matter what a woman thinks?
When your dick is wet and she won't put out.
This, heh
It always matters what females want. Our entire society is geared towards appeasing females.
Otherwise everything would be plain brick walls and steel sinks.
The king of hearts is the only one without a moustache. For a reason
Cant` grow one, right?
..or maybe it is the "mom factor"
>chicks prefer clean cut men
Like you would know what chicks dig.
Let me guess, you are one of those guys who don't like manly men, but is into traps and similar faggy shit. Faggot, quit complaining like a little bitch, and live your life.
I don't have a beard, I just hate faggots.
Cause heart is always a biggity bitch
You know people have different opinions right? Some chicks prefer clean cut others like them bearded. Im not shaving my beard because im not a woman. Men have beards, women don't
Women have beards. You probably just insist that she remove it.
And no. Women may say they like your beard, but they dont. They are just being nice
You guys got tips for growing a mighty beard?
Filthy hipster beards? Yeah.
Trimmed, clean-cut beards? They are pretty reasonable tbh. It's a huge improvement for some people.
Stop shaving
only fucking garden midget have beards like these..
Worry about your own face, pipeswing.
>be in hikeschool grow facial hair
>a little action here and there
>join navy no beard like 5 years
>minimal action whole time
>get out grow beard
>many action of the pussyvagina
some people just look better with a beard on.
That is a good tip user.
>Step one
Be born with mighty beard genes
>a mighty beard?
Stop being a cringy faggot. A beard is not "mighty" it's just hair that grow on the face. It literally takes nothing to grow beard. Even virgin neets can have them. Fuck, I used to have a "mighty beard" because I wanted to sleep 10 minutes more in the mornings. Nothing to be proud of.
My wife likes it either way, I personally don't care but, when I have a beard I don't have to shave every day so I choose beard normally.
I don't care if they're gross but I really hate these asswipes with beards. if I see you with a beard I mediately fucking hate you. And I don't mean that in a cute way. I hate you. I live in Austin and you see these little fucking hipsters everywhere with this fucking beards and I just want to kick all their fucking asses
>It literally takes nothing to grow beard
Are you a woman or just illiterate?
its look like you
you need to maintain your beard if you don't want to be a weeboo neckbeard.
>casual sexism
Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a useless opinion.
Go back to your cartoons, Jimmy. Let the adults talk.
>I just want to kick all their fucking asses
And yet you don't. You just look at them, like the rest of the bitches.
Trimming once a week and putting some soap in the shower isn't very hard.
Beards and goatees are still cool. Mustaches are pleb tier for guys who don't have full enough facial hair for a beard or goat (or cops or fags).
HOWEVER, hipsters have done a considerable amount of damage to the reputation of guys with beards. Used to be the toughest dudes had beards.... now it's the toughest and faggiest, the polar extremes.
If they have beards and pierced ears and/or an undercut, that means faggot.... that's how you know the difference.
I don't. But I could. Let ONE of these fucks give me a reason and I will.
fucking hipsters
>hipster detected
go back to the organic fucking glutenfree faggotland, and killyourself, jewfaggot
The troll is weak in this one.
beardfag here
not the long, dirty, hipster face rodent
i keep mine very short (1/8 inch), and OFF of my neck...
i trim it to add more "angle" to my otherwise round face
scrub that shit with soap errday
>mfw im lumped in with these pretentous quims...
Now we're getting somewhere. Variety is the spice of insult. Congrats on having a vocabulary Jimmy, but 9th grade has so much more to offer you. Let your pubes grow in, it'll change your perspective big-time.
Post beard?
Friday night is like a mini summer where the school fags get to stay up late and practice battle moves on the internerd.
Go to bed faggot.
Dream of dudes with beards brushing your inner thigh
get a beard faggot
I wish I could grow one. I am 25 and I have patchy thin neckbeard facial hair.
Lets go to the gaschamber, that will end your faggotness, and maybe it prevent to fucking you own mother...
butthurted hipster retard detected, school is over, kill yourself.
>maybe it prevent to fucking you own
I stand corrected. Pay attention in English, and stop embarrassing yourself.
>having this saved
>liking dick
i bet u cant grow one
It doesn't...until you try having sex with one.
do you guys think my beard will improve much more than this?
im 19.
I wish I could grow one.
Am 24 this is 2 weeks in :(
>im 19
you answered your own question
i dont know man the hair looks prety much the same as last year, only the soul patch improved since i was 18
i dont do selfies - i told you i'm not a hipster
I clip my beard with a #0 every sunday.
My wife hates it but im a tradefag who doesnt really have to present in an office so fuckit. She will survive. Just no smooching which is ok because well.. meh
Eat dix kid
changing a tire isn't hard
totally agree... but the picture remains true.
wow... what do you not understand about the image?
Beardfag here. I'm just too lazy to shave everyday. I will trim it every other week or so. I haven't had a beardless face in ten years.
Try growing an even one first