g'morning user.
i hope you slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.
G'morning user
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm already dead.
I like porn
I´m not an weak faggot who sees suicide as an option
i got my fucking gun
how r u posting?
me too.
glad to hear that.
i wont let them win
its my birthday this month and im trying to find a job if nothing pans out im going to kill myself in may
Because my body never got the memo.
>I'm married to a beautiful woman who's my best friend
>we have an active and satisfying sex life
>I have three wonderful kids I adore
>I have a well paying job which I find fulfilling
>I work with nice people who respect me
>I have a comfortable home, a nice car and own both
>I'm in pace to retire in my 50s
>I'm in good overall health
>my credit score is over 800