Hello, I need advice: I stabbed a nigger less than two hours ago...

Hello, I need advice: I stabbed a nigger less than two hours ago, the nigga tried to rob me and I defended myself by stabbing him in the neck. I believe that I have killed him, because when he fell to the ground the nigger was bleeding gusts forming a pool of very large blood. I'm afraid of my future now, I do not want to go to jail and I'm planning to flee to Canada, because I live only four miles from the border. I have $ 48,000 and a car with the fuel tank full. What do you advise me to do? I do not want to end up in jail, I just defended myself in legitimate defense but I do not trust justice

So you post it on Sup Forums

i dont think this is a good place to ask user

Please, give me a good advice, I'm very afraid to go to jail, I'm young and do not want ruin my entire life on jail

No one gives a fuck dude he is a nigga.U did what u have to do.Good job.

Did you not call the cops? Is there just a 2 hour old nigger corpse in your house?

Did you got the "killer boner"? If yes you taste something you should never tried!

Don't cross the border. Don't do anything where you need to show ID. Ditch your smartphone. Ditch your credit and bank cards. If you have a late model car, ditch it for an older model with no computers in it. You have plenty of cash. It's easy to disappear.

Well as long as you killed him no one can contest that he wasnt attempting to kill you.

Best thing to do is call the cops if it was self defense, the 48k will get you a decent lawyer and I doubt youd get any jailtime, if you flee however once you are caught you will most certainly see jail.