YLYL/REKT Hybrid Thread
YLYL/REKT Hybrid Thread
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where do i sign up for this kind of safari?
Ikr. Beats me man xD
I'd feel so guilty doing something like that.
>feed two animals
>feel bad
Some parts of Georgia/Louisiana.
Wild boars are a major nuisance in much of the country right now. You can not only hunt them 24/7/365 but there's also zero limits/regulations on how to kill them.
Bring $100 and a camcorder to Macon Georgia and I'll take you out to my neighbors pond for a gator feeding.
wait so you can just go kill them and leave the carcass? no field dressing or anything?
Fck'in badass.
shame one arab / gypsy ran away.. No rekt, no laugh - made me sad
What's a camcorder?
Wot in inflation?
now that is straight up evil
so is he gaining 500 powerlevel?
Jesus Christ, that grater shit fucks me up.
why? Wild pigs are a nuisance. You either hunt them or just assist natural selection. This was probably the best way to do it.
this nigga in oblivion
am i the only one, who spend 2 hours in oblivion, trying to make a cute girl to play with?
everyone i know just clicked 'random' or spend 3 minutes making some ugly shit or orc...
what a waste of precious bacon strips
>eradicating them from the 478
Godspeed user
It's ylyl not cringe jeez
slow burn,,,, nice
Wow that totally doesn't look staged as fuck
haha i get it, because straight sex is gross! XD
Looks like a real punch to me
AIC in Chicago, amirite? I get the Turkey joke, but that is one awesome art museum.
You should probably get your eyes tested then
If you assist it isn't natural selection.
is this legit hacker 4 hire?
Yeah it looks like she's taking a dive rather than being hit down.
Nope, just a money whore
how do you know?
he said he can hack html and dds
Idk give him 40 bucks and find out :)
Then you are far more retarded than you lead on. Welcome to Sup Forums faggot. Enjoy your clickbaits
you don't evem know how to hack then you judge me
Most people don't eat wild pig. They eat trash.
So it's your clickbait. Are you also the fag who sponsors the snaphacks too. Fuck off
Underrated as fuck
I knew a guy in UT who would go out and hunt them hand to hand with some crocodile dundee style knife. mo fugger was nuts
Disgusting.. white on white. No obvious deformities. Cis Scum
I'll bump this... cause I've been both guys before.
She stayed there though, this woman is a keeper.
I encourage sports hunters to take on feral hogs.
Read up on them. Boar taint and parasites. Let them rot.
>cuts bag
>proceeds to laugh ass off
Top kek
Fuck off and die, loser.
Stop getting mad, cis scum.
Lol, not mad, just laughing at you trying to convince yourself it is YOU that is ok, and not the freak you are.
satanic trips for a satanic .gif.... poor guy
You may be retarded, but try to keep it hidden from the rest of us.
Holy shit. I was just in that thread.
Anyone have the "new" webm where some sandnigger gets shot in the head by a sniper?
What the fuck is going on
Can someone explain this to me?
Here it is
his face underneath is now a jigsaw puzzle, and the flesh is slurry. his face has been turned into one big blood balloon
anyone got story on this?
Fucking amazing
under rated
but how did it become lung
As a fellow Gergian - kill more boars. Fuck, are they trouble
What a load of shit
Top Post
savage part about this is the other hogs still trying to get the food while their friend is being ripped to shreds