So now that they've added Queer to their abbreviation, why do they still get all pissy pants when I yell queer at them?

So now that they've added Queer to their abbreviation, why do they still get all pissy pants when I yell queer at them?

Because you do it as an insult

because you're using it in a derogatory way

Why do you get so mad whiteboi?

Fuckin' faggots. Enjoy your AIDS.

just call them what they really are shit skin loving autist

Why do you care if they get all pissy pants? Let them. Those people are NEVER happy, thus why they fucking keep adding letters anyway. Soon they will do a daily add of letters for each new gender that comes up on a lottery pick of which gender to add today.

So if I gingerly walk up and say "hey queer, how's everything going?" They would generally be cool with it? Just still feels derigatory

I take PrEP so I am good, thanks.

Sup' nigga!

Sup' queer!

Nah, not the same ring to it.

Doesn't the Q = L or G anyway? Why is it there?

How is life in the 1940's?

>people don't agree with me

I guess it's like the word nigger. The world belongs to them

Depending on the person it could work. I would get to know them as a person before calling them it first.


They want every possible combination of whatever the fuck they think they are to be properly named and respected. My buddy does deliveries, took a picture of a sign at a college. Apparently zee/zim are "pronouns", like he/him. Fucken weirdos.

It does but queer is considered kinda a catch all for anyone not consider straight or cis-gendered.

Then why not just be the Queer community?

It also stands for questioning

Pick one

When will they add F to it


B also needed

Actually it's LGBTQWERTY now

Because not everyone who is gay is queer and not all queers are gay. At the end of the day it is just a name so you really shouldn't care

Can't wait till they add necrophilia

Anime is right around d the corner

Dendrophilia should be added. Have you seen the size of the sequoia redwoods?

The q isn't new

You would get to know them wouldn't you fag?

Why not OP?

We must do something

ha ha h ah a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

fag experts...

No idea why they are adding mental ilnesses to sexual orientations. I only accept first 3 letters. the rest can fuck of to mental asylum