If the election were held today, how would you vote?
If the election were held today, how would you vote?
Oliver Nguyen
Adrian Cox
TRUMP 2012
Luke Bailey
the same way I voted in November
John Gray
Eli James
>can't stump
Gavin Torres
I'd vote for Putin again
Elijah Roberts
I voted for Trump at the time mostly because I wouldn't ever vote for that horrid woman. Now I'd vote for Trump because I like him so far.
Matthew Ramirez
I honestly hope Hillary runs in 2020 just to prove to you trumpskins that America can learn from its mistakes. Even if she doesn't win in 2020, she can always try again in 2024.
Jaxon Collins
Any specific reasons in particular?
Personally I find it hard to watch him during any type of press conference because of his incoherent rambling on about a subject he has no idea about.
Matthew Long
Hahaha. I do not think she will live that long.