Proper ylyl

Proper ylyl
These fags dont understand difference btw ylyl and depressing thread

Other urls found in this thread:[/spoiler]




beet pissing is not laugh worthy


hopefully this uploads right

man you guys have shit senses of humor.





That's the real Beetlejuice, he speaks Spanish, dood. Abajala Bee L-E-S-R-E-R. How you like that shit?

that's awesome

No comprendo

Shit I'll try an apeburger. I'll take a pot brownie and a heroin water to go with it. Not even joking

I giggled a little


What the fuck is wrong with this niglet's head?

is that really the aftermath of him?

Barber: What kinda style you want homie?

Me: Lemme get dat wrinkled ball sack fam...

Because it's Saturday?


>Ultra GIGA nigger's grandson ricky

Fuckin Dave

does it really look like a hair style you blind shithead, or did you just try to find an excuse to use that ebin meme?

Barber: What kinda headcut you want fam
Me: Yo gimme dat exposed brain fam

It's his head not his hair

Welcome to Sup Forums newfags...


we welcome you my friend :^)

this is actually one of the best ylyl posts ive seen since 2006
10/10 actually laughed my ass off

these are never funny

>we welcome you my friend :^)
You must be able to fit a shit ton of cocks in your mouth. Faggot

Welcome to Sup Forums newfag

Go back to Africa nigger, we don't want you here

>tfw the majority of people on here don't even know about beet's legacy

ITT: faggots fight over my initial shitty post and call each other newfags endlessly. Troll achieved

Who me? Coo be...

Oh hell yes

>first post


Bad as can.

>spell: red


yo dawg we heard you like smartness and shit so we put a brain on top of yo brain so you can think about fried chicken while you think about rape.

He is too intelligent to get a honest work

I'm gonna call bullshit on that bitch's story. Plus there's no way she's over 85. Someone needs to call the cops and report her, because she's clearly scamming people telling them this shit.

If you lose, you win.

>implying a 102 yo woman uploaded this image herself onto Sup
there's at least 5 things wrong there

guess he wasn't thinking clearly


Is nothing easy?



I wonder if that weeaboo scum was the same who took the screenshot and posted it here thinking it was funny. Coward piece of shit.


Dude what in the FUCK

Pedo Tarl eating shit for children's feet

Drank piss 2

Well clearly it originally came from FB, or somewhere else that isn't full of broke-ass NEET incels. Who the fuck wants to scam Sup Forums?

What u mean for children's feet? Lmao nigga wot


he does fucked up shit in return for pics of kids feet


Why can't he just do it for money like a decent person would?

Seems like my kinda guy

his kik is twsbb






But I don't have any kid's feet user ;-;




how retarded are you?


>i was merely pretending to be retarded

kys nigger loving faggot


Blaster? I don't even know 'er.

>Troll achieved

>no ass burgers

They had one job...

>troll achieved

Nah, my uncles are like that now. Super liberal as long as I've known them, suddenly they're asking about what guns are best "if you just want to store them and not use them" and talking about resisting and if they have room to hide people in their homes.

People honestly believe that shit.

>Blessed are the cheesemakers

I just talked to my screen in Jackie puppet voice.

And he knows he's the best

dat spray tho

The show when Beet puked I almost got in to an accident from laughter.
I miss Eric so much. I hated him at first, but he grew on me and now he's gone.

They do fake shit enemas

WTF is this from?

>The perpetrator, Darius "Walnut" James said, "I got a big arm, like twenty-four hours."

>fake shit enemas

Because real shit enemas are so hard to pull off.

Can somebody post one of those pictures were it's like a black naked guy holding a head by his leg? Can find it anywhere online for some reason and I need to quickly make some OC