20 year old, having first Tinder-date with a 28 year old girl. Any tips Sup Forumsros?

20 year old, having first Tinder-date with a 28 year old girl. Any tips Sup Forumsros?

just be a normal, reasonable person.

Don't be yourself.

Nope! But good luck user. You can do it!

It being her.

She's 8 years older than you? Abandon ship.

Just keep calm and be cool

Don't talk about yourself too much

Ask her about herself and make smalltalk

And don't expect a kiss after the first date, let her lead into it

Damn. You should have gone younger not older. Just dont be a faggot

We've been talking for 4 days now, and having really interesting conversations. Quite fun. She seems normal. I'll bring it up tomorrow.

But by your reasoning; why?

first date 20 & 28? bad move

Why do you think so?