How do people end up fucking there teachers?

How do people end up fucking there teachers?


By asking them to teach them the difference between there, they're, and their.

Don't be a pizzafaced kid


Therrhegrheerererererererrtrtrtrt faggot

I identify as ThereSexual, or TransThere, I can spell it however I like and theirs nothing you can do about

The summer between my junior, and senior years of high school, I ran into my freshman English teacher at a local street festival. She was drunk when I ran into her. I plied her with margaritas, and won her a stuffed dog at game vendor. By the end of the day, I was balls deep, hittin it from behind in a porta-john. Shit was a lot of fun, and still a go-to fap memory, even now, 15 years later.

I dated my English teacher but she left me because of my improper use of a colon:

Need to be atleast 8/10

they got game

gotta be smart and witty if you want to work for it.

and then you have to pick who right teacher to do it with is.

Goddam! Must be in NY. Even the squirrels are niggers there!!

Actually, we don't have black squirrels in NY. They're further west, Ohio, and Michigan have them, but not NY.

I know for me, students need to show a LOT of interest, put in a lot of effort, and I need to see that the student is good at keeping secrets.

Usually in the vagina.

I wish I could fuck the teacher who called me stupid when I dared to correct her statement "the sun is a planet" when I was 11.

She's probably dead now though.

I wanna ask for a green text, but he's prolly not in the thread anymore.


Stopped reading their

went a tad too deep in the ass did you?

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