How does this make you feel white boy? It's only a matter of time before your race is completely removed from society.
Your women tell me that my cock is by far more superior than anything they have ever encountered within their own race.
How does this make you feel white boy? It's only a matter of time before your race is completely removed from society.
Your women tell me that my cock is by far more superior than anything they have ever encountered within their own race.
Other urls found in this thread:
cuck posting is the lowest form of shitposting
Makes me thankful I'm not a stinking boot lip nigger.
Makes me feel like these threads need pics of more than just the same 4 or 5 chicks
>Look mom I made the thread again
Looks like you have forgotten something
how can wite boiz even compeet???
Disappointment -- you posted such low res image....
How can white boys even compete.