i keep losing my boner when I have sex with new girls
i'm not attracted to men
what gives Sup Forums?
i keep losing my boner when I have sex with new girls
i'm not attracted to men
what gives Sup Forums?
Sexual desensitization. Stop masturbating for a while, no porn, no anything besides physical interaction with women. You arent as excited when you know what to expect, plus the anticipation of sex after a longer wait helps sex drive.
I used to have this problem
It happened once because I was extremely tired and then I worried about it happening again, which only made it worse.
It gets better mate, just find a sense of calmness when it happens and you'll be great.
>sex with new girls
Could just be that.
It takes you a bit to get comfortable with them.
We're all different user.
This is a really good point too.
Keep on chuggin baby, you'll get it
You are clearly attracted to men.
I do the same, never can first time.
Have sex with a guy and see if it stays.
I think op might be a furry
>i keep losing my boner when I have sex with new girls
occasionally have had this issue. in the course of my vaginal explorations, i've discovered when i feel more comfortable with the woman the better the erection and the better the sex. but other times, i've one night stand and performed pretty damn well.
so its kinda hit and miss with me.
try guys seriously youll get better at girls too
You haven't found the right man yet, faggot.
>i keep losing my boner when I have sex with new girls
>i'm not attracted to men
>losing my boner when I have sex with new girls
>losing my boner
>sex with girls
you are gay.
>losing boner with adult women
>not attracted to adult men
op confirmed pedophile
>Sex with new girls
>Asking Sup Forums for advice
I have the same problem. Its shitty. Look into nofap. Check out yourbrainonporn. at least if sexual desensitization is your problem. Its called porn induced erectile dysfunction. Try a reboot man.
Or maybe you are asexual?
stop fapping.
These could all be the culprit, or a combination of them. Your physical state also plays a big role.
Do you smoke? Are you on any medication? Are you in shape / exercise regularly? Circulation issues could also explain this.
Since it typically happens with new women I would also guess stress is a pretty big factor (I'm the same way).
it's voodoo.
An old gf is trying to ruin your sex life. She either wants you back or wants you to suffer
i had deep but hidden/ignored self esteem issues
then they resolved and i got hard always
also what this guy said usually after the first few sessions i can go to town on a girl for a longer time, takes me a while to feel comfortable with them
Lay off drugs and alcohol if you use them. They can cause temporary ED in even young people. I'm 24 speaking from experience. Not only when high or drunk, but a few days after sometimes it would mess with my sex drive. Couldn't get it hard by any means.