Please help. Wtf is this spot on my dick?

Please help. Wtf is this spot on my dick?

Go to a doctor could be nothing could be herpies or HPV.

Don't ask b

Dunno what its called but its just like a zit or a boil or whatnot. Its harmless.
You can easily pop it, also. Just wipe it with a hot towel soaked in really hot water to soften and loosen the skin, and it should be easy.

Pics v blurry but looks like a scrotal cyst maybe? Go see a doctor or some shit n have a biopsy.

Hmm. I have had that spot for as far as I can remember, but I have been a bit too scared to try and pop it...

You were dumb nigger and got genital warts

Less blurry image

Just a cyst. Had one about a year ago, went away after a couple weeks.

Yeah it's a cyst, I've had one on my scrotum for years, get it checked though just in case

Pop it bitch