What are some of the more ridiculous complaints made against BvS?

What are some of the more ridiculous complaints made against BvS?

I find it hilarious when plebs talk about how Snyder's storytelling is not nuanced, when the main reason they complain about how the characters don't make sense is because they can't pick up simple subtext that tells you their motivations like this pic.

Therefore, they don't see the bigger picture and the contrast that it paints.

If you didn't understand the characters, it only reflects your own shit ability to take in details and interpret them.

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The problem is people don't want story and characters that are fed by context, themes and running narrative arcs.

They want to be told what and how to feel and they want characters to explicitly spell out everything. They want their hand held from start to end. There is no room for nuance or anything of the sort.

Go to sleep kids. Your piece of shit movie failed and its future prospects are also looking bleak.

You lost. It's over. Deal with it.


>they actually cut out the part where the tar baby was lying the entire time

What did they not want blacks to complain like usual again?

>The problem is people don't want story and characters that are fed by context, themes and running narrative arcs.

People, including critics, don't want cinema to be cinema anymore. It's fucked up.

The reason plebtards didn't get this scene is cause they didn't see the contrast.

They get hung up on Bruce's cheney speech when they don't see that's only his ra tionalization for his ego driven mission.

Bruce sees himself as someone on a mission to become a hero. When he sees that taking out Supers would not make him a hero but the vilain insteads he decides against going through with it.

maybe people dont like the worlds greatest detective becoming an overly emotional murderer?

This is the biggest one.

Before I start, I'm not a Marvel Drone but I vastly prefer their films because they make more sense. I want DC shit to be good, because DC is awesome and Nolan started this whole superheros can be dark craze and did it exceptionally well

but the big issues with the film are
>muh mommys
Literally inexcusable to have the ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT revolve around this

>Blatant Franchise Building
And this was done at the expense of the narrative, plot and overall quality of the movie we are watching RIGHT NOW

>minutes spent on powerpoint presentation which were microtrailers for movies they are going to force on us in the future
They wasted our time telling us "You will watch this shit whether you want to or not. SEE LOOK AQUAMAN IS A THING" - most movies would leave such a thing as maybe a quick shot of the file icons and leave it for us to speculate (HEY THIS ICON IS A LIGHTNING BOLT WE ARE GETTING A FLASH MOVIE!)

>movie burned far too many plot lines which can not be explored later
We have Death of Superman with Doomsday as the worst fucking thing in movies in the last few years. That one general who says "IF WE HURT IT IT MAKES IT MORE POWERFUL" or whatever it was, is the most hamfisted and laughable bullshit ever. How the fuck does he make this connection?

>Lex Luthor acts like an idiot
I'm 100% okay with Lex being the mumbling 21st century dot com quirky nerd CEO. That is a great new exploration of him, but he makes downright retarded decisions in the entire movie, from his overall plot to fuck with Superman / Batman, to doing possibly the dumbest shit you can do with Alien Tech ever.

There is more, but the reality is both BvS and CA:CW had an identical budget, and the Marvel movie had a much larger cast, a more coherent plot with better story telling, better fight scenes, and was just a better individual movie while subtly building up future movies - And they made hundreds of millions of dollars more because of it, and fans are excited to come back.

Lex Luthor spent so much time subtly fucking with bruce and clark to get them to fight eachother only to throw Lois off a building and issue an ultimatum.

Why even bother with the first 2 hours?

I love people like you because you provide an example of the tasteless catastrophe that I could have been were I not educated. I can only hope you have an understanding of your job because you certainly have none in your artistic preferences.

>muh mommys
I feel like the idea behind it was pretty great but it was done a bit too fast or something, could have been more subtle.

>Blatant franchise building
>minutes spent on powerpoint presentation which were microtrailers for movies they are going to force on us in the future
I totally agree. This all cinematic universe trend just results in a lot of movie that can't stand on their own because they're constantly teasing the next one.

>movie burned far too many plot lines which can not be explored later
Well except the Death of Superman, all the other plotlines can be explored later IIRC. They were just a lot of them, maybe too much? I don't know, I liked all the references to other storyarc.

>Lex Luthor acts like an idiot
It was a matter of taste for me, I really don't like Eisenberg, and this all thing looks more like "Look at me, I'm playing myself!" more than his character. For Doomsday, I think he was expecting that he can control him, that's why he gave him his blood and said "blood of my blood", which is some kind of a sacred traditional sentence on Krypton about valuing same bloodline. Retarded, but not THAT retarded imo

I liked BvS more than CW because he felt a bit more mature and because I prefer the DCU. They were no tension in CW (maybe except at the end? Not even sure) and it doesn't feel like there was some "civil war" going on between the two parties. More like Civil Disagreement. The larger cast is explained by the fact that they had 10y or so to introduce everyone, and DC had one movie prior. Snyder had a pretty fucking hard contract, and I think he made a honourable movie with what he got.

>I liked BvS more than CW because he felt a bit more mature
While I agree, Civil War got pretty mature at multiple points. It was downright cartoonish at some points, but it was very much a mature movie at many parts - It doesn't have to be dark to be mature. The irony here is that Civil War's action scenes were less stupid, despite being cartoony and comic booky.

>and because I prefer the DCU
Perfectly 100% okay to state that, and I appreciate the honesty in bias. Sup Forums would be a better place if more people were like you.

>Snyder had a pretty fucking hard contract, and I think he made a honourable movie with what he got.
Not to play favorites, but while Snyder had to juggle only 2 (+1) heroes for this movie, CW had literally 10 to deal with. Synder got outclassed by the guys whose careers were defined by making two sitcom series.

I love Synder, and I hate all the shit he got over Sucker Punch cause I really loved that movie, and the fact he made the Un-movieable comic into the masterpiece that is Watchman... It's depressing as fuck to see him get thoroughly outplayed by the guys who brought us "Arrested Development" and "The Community"

>Marvel generally make better movies
Remind me again why Ironman fought Capmerica? BvS and CW suffer from the same problems, only theres more behind m-MARTHA than HE KILLED MY MOM

>Superman should've scanned the court room for bombs

Y'know, 'cause what farmboy/ journalist doesn't do that? And also would Clark even know what a high tech bomb looked like?

People are so fucking unreasonable.

Because there was a political conflict going on between signing a restrictive agreement that Cap believes would get people killed, which resulted in Captain violating the due process and the laws of a sovereign nation in order to try and save his friend, who he then set out not to return to the authorities but instead literally tried to flee the authorities in order to clear his name. The conflict is ultimately not resolved at the end of the fight, but it is implied that cooler heads will prevail and everyone will patch up in the future.

The central conflict in BvS is that both B and S think there should only be one hero - themselves - and that the other person is a bad guy... and the conflict is resolved when Martha is revealed to be a name both of their mothers have...

I guess its the theatrical versions fault for not clarifying it like the UC does, the bomb is lined with lead.

I thought the theatrical version worked on first watch.

Because it showed that Superman was so ashamed he couldn't even look at the guy, and this is why he didn't notice it.

He did look at him though and this is why it needed the lead explanation in the UC. Missed oppurtunity imo.

Then he should go to work and dress like a detective instead of a FUc KING BAT.

What an incoherwnt post, but I 'll take a shot.

The plot wasn't about muh mom... how did you come up with this. It's about the effects that Superman's appearance has on the world including a couple of wealthy men in Lex and Bruce with big egos.

WB made them include an ad for JL, so they made you watch that ad before you can watch Batman vs Superman, there's a reason they placed it there.

If you can't figure out the DD thing, then k ys.

To further their bias towards one another so they can't communicate effectively.

that was the worst part of the movie.

It as building up so well, genuine questions on morality, human nature, and the role of superman in law and beyond law.

Then they just blew up the plot with the bomb. Nothing mattered.

But then Batman said "If there is a 1% chance he goes rogue, it has to be treated as an absolute certainty"

But then their moms had the same name. All that genuine philosophy and genuine reason to kill superman was thrown out the window.

It wasn't a movie, it was just a very long commercial for Justice League.

Only dumb people like this.

He should've used his super smelling to detect that the jar was filled with piss

Yes, but the complaint is fucking ridiculous, whether there was lead or not. Do people really expect Superman to scan everything and everyone he sees, and does he even understand what he sees most of the time?


Superman can hear people screaming for help from space but can't tell there's a literal ticking time bomb in the same room.

but Superman is an idiot.

Yes, presuming it made a noise, let alone had a fucking ticking timer like a fucking cartoon bomb.

while this is true your detailing CW too much and BvS too little. Everything you said was correct but BvS has a just as long reason for the two having a grudge against each other. Batman is constantly throughout the filmed pushed by lex and the media into seeing Superman as this dangerous alien (not to forgot how he literally witnesses people being killed during the MoS crossover bit). For Supes its similarly the media and word of mouth about how the bat takes life and death into his own hands which is brought up multiple times throughout the movie.

Essentially their fighting because they believe eachother are dangerous and shouldnt be allowed to have their power. CW on the other hands focus' on rivalry and political stance. I honestly give both movies a 7/10.

Snyder is polarizing to say the least. I enjoyed this movie but I think when you're trying to sell a super hero movie you can't bury too much in subtext. It's what makes comic books such a niche market. You're never going to find mass appeal with this kind of work in film.

That clark didnt report on teh dubs

superman can hear people screaming from space but he can't tell that his mother is being kidnapped.

What is the subtext
What does it mean

>ticking time bomb in the same room.
Ok, well, we're a SUPERHIGHENDTECKNOLOGY CORPORATION and lets make a TICKING bomb to blow superman.

They lined it with lead.
They just cut out the line where that's revealed.

That's a good question. I think the main theme is power. What gives anyone the right to have power? Should there be checks and balances to people with ultimate power? Snyder didn't write a very good movie though.

Kek, MCUcks are this reetarded. The agreement made no difference, Bucky was wanted for blowin up the UN, Steve would have been a wanted man for rescuing Bucky regardles if there was an agreement or not.

As for BvS, you somehow made an even bigger display of tardedness. Superman's issue with Batman was he was going too far with his methods which was obvious and said explicitly, and Bruce's motivation was to that show he was not useles.s I don't see how you got the there should only be one hero thing, you suck at interpreting.

There's so many little things they cut that makes the plot make more sense.

To anyone who hasn't seen the movie don't bother with the theatrical cut if you ever intend on watching it.

>people's complaints about BvS are unfair
>posts something from the ultimate cut

What are we doing? A productive conversation on Sup Forums?

I don't know about the maturity in Civil War, and I wasn't talking about the tone of the movie. I like the first 1/3 of the movie, with the Accord, but when he came to "you just don't understand my friend Bucky!" and the fight of the airport, while well choregraphed (the triple kick of Black Panther was sweet as fuck), didn't feel like the stakes were high. I have no problem with a superhero movie being in a light tone, but in CW, most of the time it just falls flat for me.

To be fair, sitcom writers have to juggle with a lot of characters, and as previously said, they had 10y to introduce some of them, of course it will feel more natural. And don't talk shit about Arrested Development mate, i'll shank ya.

It sure is not Snyder magnum opus, far from it, but I think that the hate trend about this movie is fucking stupid, it's a solid 7/10 for me. Especially with the Ultimate Cut.

Why did Superman even give a shit about what Batman was doing? Its not like Clark was going around stopping crime in Gotham with his god power, and even let the people Batman was chasing get away so he could threaten him.

I think it's just safe to call that the cut that Snyder wanted.

He seemed apposed to vigilante justice. It's weird because the comic this was loosely adapted from had Batman apposed to Superman becoming Reagan's attack dog.

>Steve would have been a wanted man for rescuing Bucky regardles if there was an agreement or not.

they literally said if he signs the paperwork he's cleared of going and getting Bucky by himself. Did you even watch the movie?

I think it's mostly just a general backlash towards capeshit, although personally I LOVE all comic-book movies. And despite the obvious, glaring flaws (whoa hey! MY mom's name is Merffa TOO... and Lex's sudden workable familiarity with Extraterrestrial technology) if this movie had come out just exactly as it is around 10-15 years ago, before the theater saturation of super-heroes, then it would've been received like Dark Knight, or Avatar.


he just saw him as someone who was abusing his power. the entire theme of BvS is about who has power, and how other people are threatened by it

>superman doesn't like how batman uses his power
>superman also doesn't like facing the consequences of his actions(saving Louis, he has further doubts when the hearing gets blown up)
>batman feels threatened by superman's power
>Lex is jealous of superman's power

>Snyder didn't write a very good movie though.
People are always talking as if Snyder single-handedly wrote the movie.

Not BvS but a surprising number of people are whining that Aquaman's weapon has 5 prongs instead of 3.

He would stil go rescue Bucky again, and become wanted again.

It's about American power


>BvS fans still shouting into the void about how they're the only ones who "get it" and their movie isn't a tedious, boring slog because every line of dialogue and frame is some literary, theater, or religious allusion, even though it doesn't really add anything to the story being told on any level other than unnecessary, shallow, transparent comparisons

The movie was stupid but pretty, just like every Snyder film. I enjoyed it just like I enjoyed 300. I'm not going to pretend it was deep and layered with meaning. It wasn't. But it was fine.

I do not understand how this is contentious or surprising to anyone.


every fucking time

The movie was shit & you have shit taste. Get over yourself faggot

How about the fact that this movie completely missed the point of Batman fighting Superman?

>He would stil go rescue Bucky again, and become wanted again.

Oh shit thats the central conflict right there- Cap believes in bending the law to do what is right, and Iron Man believes the rule of law is the greater good as being a vigilante makes you no better than the criminals.

Oh shit what an interesting premise for a movie - totally not "he's a dick so I'm gonna stop him" x2 + MAARRRRTHHHHAAAAA tier.

They had no idea he couldn't see through lead though or that he even had xray vision. Damn it these people are hacks

>They had no idea he couldn't see through lead though or that he even had xray vision.

Did you even watch Man of Steel.

That shows he can see through one-way mirrors and coat pockets.

It doesn't show he can't see through lead.

The movie is really not very good but people are for some reason people feel the need to insist not one single thing makes sense in it.

Honestly most BvS threads are people saying nothing makes sense, then several people explain and show specific scenes where the information is communicated, then the person says it doesn't count and asks the same question again.

Just say it was a big dumb obnoxious self-important mess. You don't have to make shit up.

Honestly I thought the bit with the wheelchair in the theatrical version was Lex Luthor's Gambit that Superman would be so guilt-ridden that he couldn't even face the man in the wheelchair. Not only does he look at the guy, but in the ultimate cut they have to explain that he couldn't see through it even if he wanted to, which I'm not sure why he would want to in the first place.

But it does demonstrate some kind of x-ray vision though which was previously denied right?

People need to realize almost 2 years pass between MoS and BvS in which time the government or Luthor could have setup numerous trials to gauge his abilities and any kind of limitations.

But of course, people need to be spoonfed these things, but at least the Ultimate Cut somewhat fixes this with the Klyburn scene.

Why does Lex hand feed that man a cherry Jolly Rancher?

Thaat theory was fucking stupid and I'm glad the UC made it invalid.

>waaaw im not a marvdrone, except i am :^)

had no problem with that and it didnt feel like the entire plot revolved around this. It was just this one fight.
Bat always thought Super is the ultimate evil guy and then he found out that he just tried to kill batman, because they would kill his mother if he wouldnt.

>muh franchise crying
didnt fell forced, was well integrated and supported WW decission to join the fight.

>lex luther
this is the only point i agree, this guy was fuckign annoying af and did some stupid shit.
On the other hand thats excatly what i would expect from a dot com billionair kid.

I really like Snyder fights, feels like punches and everything has real impact.
Havent seen CA:CW, but just the fact that the 2 different teams run on each other on the airport in the trailer, tells me that the fights are shit.

No more importantly why does Lex blow up is hot af assistant?

He's gay

And immediately they stop doing that, people jump on them for how they're being so ''quip quip quip''.

What do people want? Just pointless jibber jabber about nothing? Whether you like their efforts in being ''intellectual'' or not, but you got to admit that at least the dialogue means something and to me that's a huge deal.

To humiliate him.

It's an epic redit meme.

The movie did make sense it was just shit. And Synder wouldn't know subtlety if came up and smacked him in the face.

All the "Superman is Jesus!" stuff was so heavy handed it was ridiculous.

FUCK ME her and Wondy was chic as fuck t b h. that shit get me ROCK HARD for some reason.

>The bathroom? Then please use my mouth as your personal toilet, Mr Wayne.

Yeah, they definitely wasted her. I'm not too mad or anything, but I'd be curious to hear Snyder or someone talk about what was her deal in the movie.
The creative decisions like
>why didn't she speak
>what kind of relationship did she have with Lex
>why he blew her up


>why didn't she speak

She did, to bruce at the party and later to crippleguy

>what kind of relationship did she have with Lex

she was his PA arranging various things like the movement of Zodd's body, new wheelchair and even being on hand for the delivery of the xenomineral

>>why he blew her up

sacrifices must be made, and she was the only other person that could link him to the cripple guy, plus it'd make a great teary eyed story for people about how he lost such a dedicated lexcorp employee in such a tragic way

Someone post her when she's standing outside near lex's car. She was wearing blue heels.

>Warsaw if I don't like something bad I'm a fan boy for the competition.

I loved Nolan's batman trilogy. I liked Man of Steel, even though it was flawed. Watchman (a DC property) is a masterpiece.

Fuck off.

>Mercy shows up like three times
>kill her off for no reason

What did he mean by this?

he liked her shoes.


Fuck off phone.

Bruce should have seduced her and power fucked her that night.

It was astonishing how every single fight in BvS completely outclassed every fight in the Nolan trilogy.

The teamfight in CW was pretty entertaining, but in a completely different way than the fights in BvS.

The general way that reviewers chose to review it like it was a Marvel movie when it was obviously trying to be a political thriller but with superheroes

What was Zack Snyder trying to convey with that particular choice of dialogue?

Shoes on women are alot like wrapping paper for their feet. I think that Bruce has a foot fetish and wanted to intimately "unwrap" her feet.


if you like marvel movies, you are a marvdrone. dont even try to defend it.
If you wouldnt be one, you would have stopped watching marvel movies, after youd have seen what a trainwreck avengers1 was.

You could still watch the DC movies and realize they are good, instead of wanting them to be like muh marv movies.

This is my fetish

Thank you.

Care to post some examples of nuance then? Because the OP sure as fuck isn't one.

>what are you doing here (, in the server room)
>thought the toilet was here, btw im drunk :^)
>mhh k
>n1 shoes!!

i was more confused that the lady just walked away and pretended it to be okay, even tho lex seem to knew the whole time who bruce and clark are.

By the same logic of telling me to stop watching after Snorevengers even if future movies are better, you can no longer watch any DC movies cause BvS is dog shit

Thank you for not contributing to future DCU threads. Your convictions are well respected.

that little slurp sound she'd make to get the last few drops from his piss slit

Not him, but DC comics are my favourite. I just want to see them on the screen. But at this rate, they'll never get to the good stuff.

They've only just got Batman and Superman together; Marvel released fucking Guardians of the Galaxy two years ago.

Don't do this to me user, I'm still at work and I don't have time to fap back home either today.

So much for being a fucking Ninja. Bale would have went in their smooth as fuck and fucked mercy RIGHT THERE. ben's batman was good but his Wayne was ASS.

>Batman and Superman throw each other through layers of concrete and Batman uses a noob toob

>better fight than any of the nolan films

wew lad