Anyone have/had phymosis?

Anyone have/had phymosis?

Overcame it with stretching but now the foreskin is too short to cover the head. Dealing with sensitivity issues.

Anyone relate?

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Got it bad. I'd like some answers too.

bro, if i could give you some advice, leave that thing alone. you are normal. dont try to fix it

what was your method to stretch it? and how long did it take?

I would just gradually pull it back every day and eventually i got it behind the head and it was scary for me. Since my frenelum was underdeveloped because of the phimosis, it ended up being tight and ended up breaking during a handjob.

I would just leave it alone user

It's a perfectly common condition and there are numerous ways to fix it. Don't try any home remedies like stretching it. Just go to a doctor and have them recommend the best course of action for your particular situation.

its a good thing my dick doesn't have this problem

how long did it take for you to fully retract it?

doctors dont have time to stretch it. They will always recommend circumcision. I would much rather have all the skin i can get.

honestly can't remember this was 8 years ago