Wanting to find out an overall average political alignment of Sup Forums...

Wanting to find out an overall average political alignment of Sup Forums. Post your political compass below with credentials, i.e. "economic 9.24/social -4.87" then I'll average it out for Sup Forums's political alignment.

that pic gave me brain poison

economic -2.63
social -2.05

National Socialism on the left site - duuuuude.

Nationalism = Authoritarian
Socialism = Left

I get that what the Nazi's did wasn't exactly "left", but the principle of National Socialism is left.

Post yours you cheap Jew.

Numbers of you Economic/Social positions and I will

who makes the stupid and incorrect charts?

I have no clue, m8. Found it on google. Ask them.

Are you seriously expecting honest polling from Sup Forums of all places? Most ppl here do things for shock value even though being edgy nowadays is getting pretty old as it is.