Story time

Story time

>be me, 18 years old, circa 2005
>be the reserved, silent beta type
>get invited to a friend's birthday
>it involved drinking and a lot of his friends that I didn't know
>surprised that I got invited, never been to a birthday party of that sort
>accept the invitation
>week passes, birthday party day
>me completely ignorant of how parties with young adults work
>decide to make sandwiches for the birthday
>bread, butter, bologna
>put them all in the plate, cover the plate with a food film
>come to the friend's house, take the sandwiches with me
>ring the door
>no one answers
>decide to check out the backyard
>that's where it all was taking place
>+20 people
>half of them were chicks
>most of them were sipping beer
>someone was puffing a cigarette
>realize that I shouldn't have brought the sandwiches
>friend sees me
>hey user!
>then he sees the plate with the sandwiches
>everyone goes silent, become the center of attention
>palms start sweating
>ask my friend where do I put the plate
>friend was shocked and in disbelief
>his face was red, obviously feeling uncomfortable
>he takes me to the other side of the house
>politely asks me to leave
>I head back home with the sandwiches
>tfw I ruined the birthday
>tfw I wasn't his friend anymore

Haven't been to a party since
It still haunts me to this day

who brings sandwhiches to a party

Sounds like you missed out on the part of your life where you just party. Sucks to be you. To to a club or casino I guess, just rock up tipsy.

fuck. I'm sorry OP. That's fucking rough.


Fucking kek

Anyone who brings food to my parties is welcome.
Those ungrateful bastards....

Dude...I'd fucking eaten those sammichs, and given you a beer, those dudes sound like pricks.

Over fucking sandwiches? No way dude. It's like bringing snacks and getting thrown out, wtf..?

This. Who doesn't want to eat something while smoking and drinking?

forgot to add:
in Eastern-Europe its not about what you bring. You bring what you can/can afford. Its about not coming empty-handed.

did i just shit out 2 dubs?

ha, i actually laughed out loud. get over it OP, it wasn't that bad and if a host makes you leave cos you brought some god damned sarnies over then he's fucking idiot. in your thirties, when you bring a plate of food to a party everyone goes fucking nuts and all the ladies get an instant hard on.

What the fucks wrong with bringing sandwiches? We're they upper middle class people? I've been to some fucking ragers and we would've been so happy to see food. Probably because we were fucking stoned. But still. You do you OP

Look Op brought samwhiches

> >bread, butter, bologna

what the fuck user??

Agreed I'd eat those sammiches with you user

that's because eastern europe is poor


>ladies get an instant hard on
I think you've been dealing with traps Sup Forumsro

I'm young and it's the same for me. Who the fuck wouldn't take free sams they're retarded.

not. thats because we dont judge someone by the size of their bank account. We appreciate tought.
(me and my group of friends are upper-middle class)

Alright. 5 fuckin times now. This is a get thread you faggots

ofbyone kenoby

I, I... Need some kind of closure. 12 years have passed, what became of you? Green text the next 12 years please. I don't need these feels. Oh, also what did you do after this story ended, like when you got home.

And anyway, fuck those kids. They were Try-hards. They were obviously just slightly above the level of bringing sandwiches to a party so looked down on it. I would have demolished those sandwiches and called you a legend for bringing them.

Insert "shitty fake story about how all normal fags are evil, and the beta is the true king" here

If this is actually real, those people weren't your friends, this most likely isn't however; I dono where you live, but I'm assuming you're American, if you were hanging out with the "good crowd", they would have gone fucking nuts at the fact someone brought sandwiches, how can't you?

When I was growing up, my family brought food to other's birthday parties, it was a nice gesture, and it was well thanked.

>not appreciating sandwiches
Those fuckers didn't deserve you.

How the fuck is bringing sandwiches to a party a bad thing? Ppl always get hungry when drinking... did this shit even happen OP?
I really really dont understand.

Fuck dude I wish you came to my birthday party fucker bring bullshit. Those sandwiches sound bomb as hell. The didn't deserve em anyway. Did you enjoy them OP?

These kids, at 18, were obviously a little late to the 'trying to be cool' phase so thought that bringing sandwiches wasn't cool whereas any normal, non try-hard 18 year old is already over that phase and turned up to the party half wasted with the munchies and would appreciate some bread and meat to soke up the booze.

exactly man a guy who would bring sandwiches would be praised in parties where I go

I still dont understand... why is it "not cool" to bring food to a party in america? Even when we were 13/14 we brought food to parties, cause the guy at whos place the party happened wont buy food for 20ppl from his pocket money lol

You're just talking to a guy who grew up in a shit place full of entitled people, its common for food to be brought to parties in America, at times more common that other places, depending on the party.

Shit if someone brought sandwiches to my party I'd be thrilled.

Remembered how I got thrown out of party

>be me, 18
>this was around 4 years ago
>still 12th grade, friends parents are gone for a week
>throws a party on friday, been friends with him for 5+years, no invitations needed
>party starts around 8PM
>show up an hour late, bring a bottle of vodka with me
>most of the people are already drunk
>know all of them since everyones from my school
>anyway, get inside, proceed to get drunk
>just having good time, ff to a point where I'm talking to this girl from other class

Note: friend who hosts the party has the dumbest dog I've seen. All he does is bark without a reason, bites his tail and is batshit crazy.

>anyway, me and her are in the kitchen, sitting by the table, talking
>dog shows up, starts barking on the grill
>drunk me starts throwing chips at him, telling him to dance
>doggo eats chips off the floor
>host friend shows up, asks me to not give doggo food
>continue talking with grill, doggo near me wants more food, barking
>ask the grill if she wants to go to a different room, since dog is being annoying
>agrees, we stand up, we hit it off pretty good so I take her hand, leading her to another room
>omw there, accidently step on dogs tail
>dog starts to run in circles like in cartoons, chasing his tail
>actually fucking bites it, blood dripping
>host friend sees this, he is too drunk to understand whats going on
>starts shouting on me, telling me I did it on purpose
>try to explain what happened
>he isnt listening to me, people looking at us at this point
>tells me to fucking leave
>look at him, look at grill who was with me
>she is confused, tells my friend that it was an accident too
>too tilted at this point, kiss grill on cheek, tell friend to fuck off, leave
>live close so no problem
>was angry on him for cockblocking me and shouting in front of people

Got laughed at for a week in school.
He apologised to me and that girl the following day though. Still great friends to this day.

Let alone, meat and butter sandwiches. Butter is better than mayo. When i was stationed in poland, i got local sandwiches all the time with this polish butter, semi sweet with pimento. God tier

Ah Poland. The Mexico of Europe.

You say that shit like its a bad thing