

You know his name

60% is fresh, 59% is rotten

Should've done an all-female reboot

this makes me sad, i had high hopes for this movie

Jesus Christ, that's Jane Bourne!

You could have avoided this embarrassingly retarded thread if you'd looked up the definition of "fresh" on rotten tomatoes. Retard.

Hothead pls go

That's a D minus. Should change it from "fresh" to "passable" or "going to community college for 2 years to get some gen ed credits"




and why don't you have them anymore?
It's a critic site, it's not like their opinion is valid or matters

>It's a critic site, it's not like their opinion is valid or matters

Yes friend. It's yet another "Sup Forums doesn't know how to use RT" episode.

The coldest blood runs through his veins

I got bored and stopped watching the first movie. Maybe I should go back and watch it now. I barely remember the plot at all

Probably not feminist enough.

>In 2006 James Bond became Jason Bourne
>In 2016 Jason Bourne became James Bond

Every time I see that "You know his name" poster I can't help but think of that song.

I really don't know what they were thinking.

i mean the other ones got good reviews, so if this new one was comparable to the old ones, it would get the same acclaim

Those were brighter times, when not every critic was an SJW with an agenda.