Hey Sup Forums, femanon here. This is just a quick one so you guys can help see my bf that he is over reacting

Hey Sup Forums, femanon here. This is just a quick one so you guys can help see my bf that he is over reacting.

We've been going out for just over 1 year and we are very much in love.
at the start of the relationship we did everything that we could possibly do both socially and sexually. so in the bedroom we done lots of stuff, including me giving him blowjobs.
however, after a couple of months he said that if i didnt want to i didnt have to as he felt as if it was disrespectful. i don't mind doing it but, yeah i stopped giving them to him.
Now though he is upset with me because he found me giving a blowjob to another man.
he says i cheated but i dont understand how he can say that when i dont give them to him.
i didnt even kiss or sleep with the guy. if i did those things that would be cheating.
Please will you guys tell me how to tell my boyfriend that this isn't cheating because he is getting himself so worked up about this...thanks

Tits or GTFO

cant help, no time stamped tits.


Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8, m8.

1. Tits or GTFO.
2. Any sexual interaction, even ones you don't usually do with your partner, constitutes as cheating if you do it outside of your relationship.
3. Him telling you that you shouldn't do something you don't want, was him being nice to you, trying to make sure you didn't feel forced into anything.
4. You stopping giving him blowjobs because you can't be assed and then giving it to another dude is a double stinger in your boyfriends side.

What he said ....you know the rules , we don't make them we just enforce them

nice b8
also sage

you are a cheating bitch, he is right

Still cheating breh even if you are a bot