How do you ruin someones life without doing anything illegal? :)

How do you ruin someones life without doing anything illegal? :)

In your case, marry them.

you're already doing it by being in their life

Dammit, I was going to post something similar.


Leave a pineapple on their porch

expose their fucked up childhood being brought up in a remote farming house being taken every now and then to adults to have sexual encounters with.

I guarantee to you she will stalk you for the rest of your life. Some friends and family members will die.

Get her pregnant

Make them fall in love with you then leave them

Marry them

marry and divorce them, it's basically legal robbery

I know why you said that

only if you're female, though.
as male, it's basically financial suicide.


Marry them


Marry them.

I used to tell my ex she's a walking disappointment. She would get really insecure and rarely speak to hear mother, developing a bit of distance to her. In my defense - she was and still is really.

It all depends on persons life and character and how you define ruining it. You can either dig out some dirt and spread the information through the family, get someone fat by bringing and forcing to eat fast food everyday, throw/attend parties and get them addicted to alcohol and/or cigs, perhaps some drugs by suggestion (without actually passing anything)

You really need to go out more pineapple fag.
Quit 4chin, turn around your life.
There's still time.

Live happily

You can only go so far to actually ruin someone's life, unless you have unlimited resources to waste. The trick is to get them to mess it up themselves.
You have to start by asking what's fundamentally wrong with this person. Then you have to design a gambit to get them to expose themselves.
If you expose them everyone will hate you both but if you, or someone else, are victimized then everyone will hate your target.

This is how an intelligence agency would do it

rape and murder them