Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown

>Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's telling "jake" to forget about the shitty movie you just saw.

dropped this shit movie right after that scene, jesus christ

He says that the place is shit because it's full of chinks.
bloody bigot

"You fucked everything up and you should have known better"

I gave up about 3 scenes after.

What makes it so bad?

Look OP, you don't know what it's like. I'm the one out there every day putting his ass on the line. And I'm not out of order! You're out of order. The whole freaking system is out of order. You want the truth? You want the truth?! You can't handle the truth! 'Cause when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo that was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do! Forget it, OP, it's Chinatown

Turbopleb detected

>"You fucked everything up..."

I wasn't kidding. That's what the meaning of the line is.

The movie is really good.

This. Holy fuck was it boring.

>Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown
>breeeewww breeeeeew starts playing

Sometimes I feel good when I read Sup Forums threads on this film, like relief that I'm better than most of the people here with absolutely awful taste and no concept of cinema or the facets that once bare it great.

Then I remember that these since fans are the next generation if film makers, they're like a plague amongst film undergraduate courses, and like it or not some of them will eventually be making feature films.

Film may ge dying but these cunts will kill it.

Don't celebrate pleb posts with laughter or joyful derision, use them as a reminde, an inspiration: with every five pleb posts I want you to write a page of the screenplay you're working on. Once it's complete and you see another five pleb posts I want you to go back to that script an edit a page or write a page on a new project.

As lovers of film it is our duty to turn pleb posts into something constructive lest we see film be destroyed by plebs and anime fans.

Don't judge me as a phone poster, I'm just a film fan on a phone circumventing his ban. I just couldn't stay quiet when I saw so many disgusting plebs vomiting their hidawful opinions.

>Truly, I have become Chinatown.
What did he mean by this?

its too bad bwreeeeposting never caught on

Chinatown is one of the best films of all time

It's too late to stop it. The kino meme along with the high amount of contrarians here has lead people to genuinely believe that capeshit, specifically BvS, is respectable film. Sure, plenty of people are just joking, but plenty are serious about it and the amount of those people continually grows.

We need to fix up the basic spelling errors and turn this into patrician pasta.

I agree. When I look at a lot of shows or films that have been praised recently (Stranger Things, Bone Tomahawk) all I see is stomach churning on-the-nose dialogue plus awful blocking plus discount shitty Fincher imitation lighting, plus editing that has no rhythm.

I seriously cannot understand how people praise this garbage.

Kinos not much different than when the pleb/patrician dichotomy first emerged desu

It calls back to what Jake said earlier about his time as a policeman assigned to Chinatown.
They never understood what was going on, and trying to help only made it worse - so they didn't get involved.

Probably because this is the same board that has constant threads about Star Wars and capeshit. I think that there's just been an influx of normalfags, although I don't know why. Something that I've noticed happening a lot recently is people posting images with an ifunny banner at the bottom and nobody says anything. It used to be that if someone posted an image witha a 9gag watermark or something, people would tell them to fuck off to the site they came from. Now nobody says anything, and the one time I did say something, everybody told me to stop being a sperg. I don't know what happened to Sup Forums's elitism, but people need to find it again or else we're going to start seeing people praising Seth Rogen in the near future.

Are you dense?

Jake literally tried to help someone earlier and nothing came of it due to corruption, hence the phrase, "as little as possible."

He never suggested not getting involved, he suggested whether or not you do is inconsequential.

>although I don't know why
The fappening.

That crossed my mind, but I feel like it started happening after that. Unless they all came here from the fappening, lurked for a while and jist recently started posting.