Fluffy thread

Fluffy thread
Post fluffies

It is traditional when starting a thread to post around 5 pics to get it started

posting 1 and then going afk is a great way to 404 it

Thank you for advance and bump user


>ITT Future child abusers

posting my favorite comic



part 3



part 4

part 5

part 6

and fin

If you find this interesting or titillating, you need to take a long hard look at your life and figure out what you fucked up to bring you to this point.


>browses Sup Forums
>gets jimmies rustled over fake animals getting abused
Don't you have homework to do, kid?

fucking normie gtfo who tf you think you are tryna make me hate myself

If you find this cruel or disgusting just hide the thread and go the fuck away from Sup Forums

Any good new stories on the Booru? What do you guys recommend?

I haven't found any so far, but I can post some old ones

is this thing on?

Valentine is pretty good. Not finished, though.






Awesome. Thanks, Sup Forumsro.

I have more fluffy stories. Do you want me to post them?

Go for it.












"the_farm_11" is the last one from this one, posting next



I love fluffies and comics, abuse or otherwise, but I hate reading shit written like that. Is it some retarded Ukrainian guy using google translate? Or is it literally a group of autistic people thinking it is funny to ruin a decent joke by using horrible language skills and joining some "in" crowd? What is the point in forcing readers to completely become detached from the story by making them stop and solve complex linguistic formulas in order to derive at some rough translation, by which time, they've lost all desire to actually understand the joke and story.

>becouse of cat

what did he mean by this?

car, not cat. the r is written very badly.

My point exactly. Now, instead of enjoying a comic, you are sitting her wondering, wtf did the writer mean?





Last one

What kind of heartless monster would draw cute animals being killed?

Why do baby fluffies chirp like birds?

Fucking normie, we are on Sup Forums, what are you expecting?

bird DNA or some shit like that. same reason wings are a thing.

what story u fucking retard its an animal being ran over

retarded shit, not sociopathic,sadistic and asperger shit

>sociopathic,sadistic and asperger shit
maybe Sup Forums isn't the right website for you

"kikebook" might be more appropriate to your taste. normies out of this board REEEEEEEEEE

tfw you bump a dead thread


>implying you don't know what was meant

Did you not get the point or are you deliberately looking like an idiot?

I literally burst into laughter at the amount of stupid you just demonstrated.

was meant for

if i was smart I wouldn't be on Sup Forums





A large portion of fluffy artists are Russian and therefore actually do use google translate. So yeah we end up with a lot of varying degrees of engrish in our comics.


That's actually kinda creepy

Dust collector does that style pretty well.


And what happen to goldie ?

my autism is not strong enough to understand what the fuck is written here. and it's not even fluffyspeak.

Half of fluffybooru writes like this

that was a particularly bad example

isnt there a translated version of this image?

Image I posted here is not an example, I just posted Fluffy

you have misundertood me, i did not express me well. i meant that the image i was referring in the previous post (this: ) is a particularly bad case of bad english.




Only author who still gives a shit is Gardel, overall the booru's best times are over

I'm just glad magow is back.....for now

>booru's best times are over

ifunny? really?


Those niggers' entire business is stealing shit from others and place ads all over the place, same than 9gag

They don't give two fucks about what it is as long as it makes money


k but seriously, ribbon's story can easily be found on the booru. or in every single fluffy thread. why even take it from ifunny? was it always ifunny-tagged and i never noticed?


I think he's memeing to trigger people


I don't know. There has been a lot of new artists popping up. Maybe we have a second coming? Spread the word. The word of fluffy!