She won't stop until she's destroyed every show you love
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Carter Davis
Other urls found in this thread:
Evan Murphy
who is this chick and whats her deal?
Samuel Murphy
woman who panders to lonely geeks with shit like this
This was considered an attractive person back in 2009
Eli Martinez
Oliver Price
Supernatural had gotten pretty shit before she showed up
Justin Lee
idk this board hates her for "trying to pander to the lonely geek video game player crowd" or something, but i suspect they're just treatened by her vagina. Everything I've seen her in, she's been really funny. I also want to fuck her.
Jackson Torres
fuck off Wil
Cameron Ross
She takes it in the ass
Robert Foster
But she hasn't started destroying shows I love.
Evan Roberts
>he actually liked mst3k
lol go to bed gramps