Mystery Science Theater 3000

She won't stop until she's destroyed every show you love

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who is this chick and whats her deal?

woman who panders to lonely geeks with shit like this

This was considered an attractive person back in 2009


Supernatural had gotten pretty shit before she showed up

idk this board hates her for "trying to pander to the lonely geek video game player crowd" or something, but i suspect they're just treatened by her vagina. Everything I've seen her in, she's been really funny. I also want to fuck her.

fuck off Wil

She takes it in the ass

But she hasn't started destroying shows I love.

>he actually liked mst3k

lol go to bed gramps


good luck on destroying the sopranos m8

What will it take for her to do a nude scene though.

A carton of Camel no filters

>woman who panders to lonely geeks


Holy shit this brings me back

She was never attractive.

Her entire appeal to people was her pandering gamer gurl image.

Not entirely, it was a lot to do with her attainability. Because she's not drop dead gorgeous even the most beta fat fuck thinks he would have a shot

It really does. Watching that video makes me feel a gust of air in my lungs it's weird

>tfw flashbacks of runescape in 7th grade and finding this song on the internet

And a whole lot better after she left.

Are you the same faggot who just tried to defend Ghostbusters with your mirror universe "famous people just hate it because they NEED to" logic?

no, there just might be more than one person on this board who isnt a whiny little pisspants about everything under the sun

Oh ok so you ARE Wil Wheton after all.

Fuck off you cuck faggot

Hey Wil how does it feel to know you'll never fuck felicia

She'll just be the scapegoat.

MST3K just doesn't fit tv in any way and will always get cancelled. It's great to watch alone on the computer and that's about it.

Eek! A mouse.

FF past the bumpers and host segments, enjoy the movies. Just as we have to do with the Pearl episodes.

Except she's claiming to have written 6 entire episodes by herself. Compared to a group of like 8 each episode from the original run.

I first learned of her when I played Fallout New Vegas and wondered why one of the characters was voiced so horribly when the others ranged from decent to excellent.
She got the character completely wrong.

Why would anyone want to ruin their works by adding e-celebs?

She actually got her start on TV, Buffy if I remember right

No body remembers Felicia from Buffy.
She was in a couple episodes in the last season I think. very minor character

I thought she built her entire identity around being in it

it helps her career that she's a part of the whedonverse.
Joss Whedon's fans are hardcore and that's who most of her fanbase are

whats the best episode of the original one?

Pearl wasn't that bad after season seven.

You really shouldn't be doing shit like that after the age of like, 22


Does this trigger you, Wil?

Brianna Wu

I've seen this tons of times and the answer is always yes, Felicia, I wanna date your avatar

I bet you're a virgin

I actually am. I lost my "v-card" to my ex-gf but I did the ritual to have my virginity restored because I regretted having sex before marriage.

Felicia Day isn't the kind of woman you can just have sex with. You'd have to date her and woo her so to speak haha. I would if I could, I'm looking forward to the new MST3K

proof that she's not a natural redhead


I bet you're a happily married man with a loving wife and children that look up to you.

>I also want to fuck her.
We know, Will.

her natural hair color has reddened with age (see:beauty). She has more of an auburn toned hair now when she had a copper or brownish red tone before.

I feel like she pioneered it with other average looking gamer girls like Morgan Webb, but now legitimate babes have entered the scene and have tits hanging out all over twitch. No more need for these women when there are girls who will literally show you their cooch for a donation.

> I bet you're a happily married man with a loving wife and her children look up to you.

literally who?

>Felicia Day
>average looking

>that gamer from v
this entire thread is a b8 thread and you all have taken it

>7th grade
Holy shit I have to stop posting here.

Birdylovesit and Blazefyre >> Felicia Day

It's a shame you can't talk about Felicia Day on Sup Forums without being called a virgin, a cuck, a numale or a troll or whatever new buzzword of the week is popular here.

You're here forever.

I think it's frustrating that any kind of criticism thrown her way automatically gets disregarded as misogyny.

why do you assume that it's only men on here?

>yfw we're at a time where legal adults don't remember what they were doing on 9/11

Maybe you ARE being misogynistic by trying to cut a person down just because she is a woman?

>reddened with age
are you retarded?
she uses hair dye.
She admits several times to dyeing her hair.
Her roots are brown

>the mst fanbase is actually hyped for this
Did they merge with Reddit over the past decade and I missed it?

>except she's claiming yo have written 6 episodes by herself. Compared to a group of like 8 each episode from the original run.

>team of longtime friends and collaborators
>years of experience riffing bad movies
>created and developed the characters being portrayed onscreen, making their interactions feel organic and natural

>solo effort
>0 experience
>riding on coat tails

This is going to embarrassing.
And to think they could have gone with Cassandra Peterson.

Means the same thing retard. Shes GORGEOUS either way especially her beautiful red hair

Thanks for the bait user it's been fun

>Not entirely, it was a lot to do with her attainability
so, being a gamer gurl

her hair actually is natural just that radiant and bright, she uses dyes to accentuate it.

no one cares

you almost have as many pics of her as I do o.o something you're not telling us user?

>Felicia's a cute a CUTE!

I'm sorry, I'm sure you're a happily married woman with a loving husband and children the look up to you.

*rolls eyes* obvious post about transgender is obvious