Hello Sup Forumsrothers and sisters
I am a God in human flesh.
Ask me anything.
Hello Sup Forumsrothers and sisters
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Show us yer face Clayton!
Are you bent or something?
That's not a question
I may be delusional, but the proof is accumulating.
no, you can't be god. i am god. you are just apart of the dream i am having. when i wake up you all will cease to exist.
not only do i know this for a fact, its actually the only thing im certain of.
I could say the same thing about you
yeah but that wouldn't worry me very much since I'm just dreaming you.
why did you show the way to humanity to invent LSD?
tits or gtfo
LSD and other hallucigens stimulate ur brain in such a way that what u normally block from your brain is sent to the forefront.
people who are, lets say, attuned to the arts have been representing these visual stimulie for ages.
so in a tl:dr; hallucinogens are a sort of proof to justify that the way we interpret reality isnt necessarily the true way to interpret it
What's the easiest way to achieve financial freedom?
People don't belive in God anymore. They don't belive in the Supernatural or Magic. They don't accept it when it happens in real life.
But on drugs they do. Because they can say "It was only the drug that made me halucinate"
But the Magic that happens on a trip is actually real.
Are you baiting us?
to get rid of currency and be self sufficient. but unfortunately most people can imagine the end of all life in the universe easier then they can imagine a radical change in capitalism
I may be.
But what if I'm not baiting and this is real?
For you or for everyone?
>hallucigens stimulate ur brain in such a way that what u normally block from your brain is sent to the forefront.
maybe, maybe not. no one knows for sure. it might be removing filters from your experiance, it might be "crossing wires", it might be a totally seperate nural faculty that provides you with hallucination.
no way to be sure at this time.
current understanding of nerology is so poor there isn't even a hint.
FMRI of people tripping shows the brain lighting up so that leads me to think that it is not filters being removed to let more information though (hallucinations) but content being generated by the mind that was not already there.
but FMRI doesn't really say shit about what nerons are doing specifically its just one metric of many used to appoximate brain state.
Yeah, no shit Wattson. I asked how to achieve it in the practice not in the theory.
Conversely, if freedom is not a thing then I will simply billionaire.
in a way. many people are experiencing an "awakening" and need some way to stitch itself together.
theres a new generation of people who are basically reality wizards that can manipulate reality at will, but doubt makes us lose our powers.
if you knew the answer then why did u ask
Why didn't you take your meds today?
But since I'm human as all fuck and egoist as a Juden I prefer mine first.
Because how in the fuck do you get rid of money without killing the whole Rothchilds lineage and the bank owners?
Good point. Then why don't you help me explain stuff as a fellow God?
how do political outsiders like Trump and Sanders have massive followings.
all movements just need an identity to tie to their beliefs, a leader/ someone to stand behind
I knew some people who know what's up would read this. Tell me, how far have you gone already?
what do you need to explain?
I don't think so. Once the ball starts rolling the movement doesn't need a leader.
It does need someone to start it though, yes.
Are you sure you are God? Because you seem oblivious to the world problems and the facade the USA political system is making.
They are all part of the problem, they rely heavily on making campaign with money. To reach true freedom you should be able to support anyone without worrying you get lynched or your credit score fucked.
i was fortunate enough to have a mentor and a following. my mentor/teacher didnt really have anyone and so he was a late bloomer.
but ive been able to recognize that "causality" is just a different form of doubt. your ideas and dreams can manifest before your eyes and most people would write it off. its a shame really, so many people could just wake up right now if we had a voice or platform
I don't have a mentor aswell. I feel like I'm learning alot, but the selfdoubt always catches me again and there is noone in my analog life yet who understands what I'm going through.
A shared platform would be nice, yeah.
all things tied to Americas domination of politics and world economy(along with central banks etc). these are all symptoms of bad government/capitalism
how to i get gf?
Then comes down the paradox of the good samaritan.
To get rid of the whole problem it is neccessary to kill off the Rothchilds, all of them. By killing them you show off you are capable of anything to attain power and people won't trust you because they are stupid fucks.
You will be summarily executed in prison by some paid fuck sentenced to life. And then a new world leader would rise and the shitfest will start all over again.
we have a discord where some of us gather. but they are all really lost and bogged down there for some reason.
if u want a more personal/direct connection, if u have WhatsApp, u can text me from anywhere in the world
there is no paradox your are just oversimplifying the situation.
murder is not the only solution
>Stop being a bitch
>Get out of your damn basement
>Talk to actual women
>Learn what ticks them off... in the good way
>Acquire confidence
>Approach random girls
>Learn more
Conversely, you can disregard promiscous ladies to acquire currency.
They will crave your tiny dick either way.
bee yourself. thats all i did. once youre honest with yourself people will flock to you. if you are interested in a topic people will naturally feel your enthusiasm if you hook them in
We are all gods anyone who says differently is a liar.
Yup. Be yourself.
Additionally, it helped me watching some videos about Charisma and things like that.
True that. But most people don't know. And most who do know don't know their full potential.
Is my dog a god too?
no dude, ill say it one more time, your just my dream. you only think your real. i am the real one.
the assumption of your own agency was placed in your deterministic mind to make you seem more real to me, I am the only being who's free will and agency i can be sure is not an illusion because my ego gives me the feeling that it is just so.
you might as well assume your a god for all you will ever be capable of knowing for certain.
I ate way too much acid when i was 17, honestly thought i was God. Convinced people around me i was God. actually made a student loose his mind through convincing him i was god (later found out he was a paranoid schizophrenic). LSD may make you feel like you have some sort of God complex fed by your inexperienced dilutions. With time you will realise that you have misinterpreted the idea. yes you are God, but so is everything and everyone around you. the combination of energy fields and interactions of atoms and in all forms is part of the fabric of existence which you are woven into. you are only at the start f your journey. You may be God, but no more than the rock, or tree, of fish in the sea. Once you have truly transcended you will be humbled and realigned with the truth that you are nothing in the grander picture as well as everything at the same time. the true centre of the universe, and yet only a insignificant spec of star dust experiencing a single waking moment.
Good luck on your journey it has only just begun. and remember, love will always set you free
Narcissism at it worst.
We are all part of the universe and part of God, whatever that might be.
But, we are not the universe or God itself.
>you only think your real
"I think therefore i am"
And that is the only thing we can possibly be sure of. the rest could simply be an illusion.
Fuck off god you shitty newfag we donr praise your shit we Praise lord kek Shadilay you fucker
The microcosm is in the macrocosm, but the macrocosm is not the microcosm
good points, and do not fuck with schizophrenics, dem fools will kill ya ass
dogs are interesting since we domesticated them throughout the years. they learned a language of loyalty/respect/honesty.
since these creatures OPERATE off of loyalty and honesty wouldnt you consider them the best and most fair judges?
I disagree, you can find the infinities of a universe the size of which a human cannot perceive within a grain of sand.
how is allah?
Hi OP,
I'm not a God or a DemiGod.
I am however to this date indestructible.
I've been in over 10 car crashes. 4 caused by me. 6 at high speed and walked away from all with nothing more than bumps bruises and scratches.
One I even preforemed from the front of the vehicle and rolled down the road at well over 30mph at time of impact.
I have attempted suicide on 3 occasions.
I'm still here.
I'm unsure what/who keeps protecting me from leaving this meat bag vessle but kindly ask them to stop.
I fear the greater purpose you/they have planned for me and can only conclude from the ammount of effort put into it, it's not gonna be much fun to be me once my number is called and my time to act is ny.
Please choose someone else other than me.
I'm not a willing participant.
I'm doing that now lol
Fuck you
seems to me that your issue was in your definition of what god is, which differs from person to person.
in practical terms, god is all of that which we as rational minds will never be capable of understanding in terms of causality,
Einstein said that god doesn't doesn't play dice when he was considering randomness but true randomness doesn't come from god, it is god. it is the only thing which has not occurred by way of causality. assuming randomness exists, that is.
right, thats why i am real and you are not.
my experience implies that my mind exists in order to facilitate the phenomena which is my being, but it actually doesn't imply free will or agency. i could be a dream or a program executing in stack space if your like that metaphor just like you are but for this mysterious (and seemingly unnecessary to any biological process i produce) experience i have found myself in.
I am sorry
there is no labyrinth you cant escape from, even sadness, depression or even death.
some people need to be torch bearers so other people can escape the darkness.
but what makes your life so bad/unfortunate/miserable?
>definition of what god is, which differs from person to person.
Perception of God not definition. the definition is understood to some sort of omnipotent entity. what that may manifest as is dependent on person to person. but all agree on the definition.
everything you say after that is simply a perception not a definition.
Nothing I will plod along in a state of unrest for what seems like an eternity past and an eternity to come.
I just hate been watched and waited on.
I wanna be the master of my own destiny.
What purpose could be so important that I'm still here?
>thats why i am real and you are not.
i am real and you are not.
my experience implies that my mind exists in order to facilitate the phenomena which is my being, but it actually doesn't imply free will or agency. i could be a dream or a program executing in stack space if your like that metaphor just like you are but for this mysterious (and seemingly unnecessary to any biological process i produce) experience i have found myself in.
see proof
If you are good, thenot give me that wallpaper in higher quality. Faggot.
just realised this not too long ago, feels good that there are others who understand... or, well, understand how there is nothing to understand, just be.
anyone else feels like this?
of course dude, come hop in the discord
That's why I made the thread, wanted to know if there are others
do you poop
god is not necessaraly an entity. there is no reason to think it.
necessarily god is the system which causes the system we find ourselves in.
whether you think that be the big bang + maybe the phenomena of randomness or an agent who willed our universe or reality into existence.
eventually any explanation of our reality hits the problem of causality, you cannot dismiss causality because it is necessary to logic/reason and you cannot assume causality because it does not account for an original source.
and so no matter what your specific definition of god is it will have to contain the paradox of the fact that there is something where you would expect nothing. everything aside from that, including the potential agency or any other personified qualities, is your own personal dogma.
hit me up with like a genie or something senpai
also what are you god of?
how many dicks have you sucked today?
ok, i made u the genie so there's no miscommunication
is kek real?
if so is he a NEET in god form?
not god
well, I just recently joined the party.
I have to be honest though, it angers me that all of a sudden I think like a "hippie". I used to just discard opinions of people who talked about "energy" and "love" and "frequency" and "god" and "God" and "enlightenment". At the very least, I didn't understand it at the slightest, it mostly came across as delusional.
I think it's even possible I was afraid of those things (or, my ego was), because I was subconsciously aware they are true. And my ego wasn't ready to surrender.
Now I sound like a hippie and and a religious fanatic and a monk, all in one, these days.
purpose is a human idea used to help navigate this planet long enough to pass on our DNA.
you shouldn't assume it has anything to do with what is actually real.
not sure what your getting at.
my point is i cannot assume your experience is real and what i can assume about my own self by the fact that i experience is limited to the fact that i experience.
experience does not require agency or free will which most people consider to be the things which constitute a "self".
self is just your ego. its not real. your not real.
you and I are just machine who's programming instructs it to believe it has agency, to believe it has choice when in fact everything you are and everything you do can be explained deterministically.
you are a form of life no more impressive than AI which has the functions of memory and causal association, the only two phenomena required to explain the illusion of agency, the illusion that you are more alive than gears turning behind a clock face.
but in the end, existential ponderings like this don't really matter as long as you are immersed in the illusion of ego.
I request $40 cash, in my hand, within the next 2 hours ideally.
Please help me make it happen.
Test of your power: how long are the hairs under my ballsack?
1-2 inches.
Remember to go left.
I would have guessed a lot more
Aren't you forgetting the spirit?
spirit is just dogma. there is nothing which implies its existence.
ancient religions assumed intimate objects had spirits, the river spirit, the tree spirit, etc.
i argue that there is nothing about us which necessitates a supernatural component such as "the spirit" any more than there is a reason for a river to have a spirit.
you impede the source of a river than it ceases to be, spirit or no, and in the same way you can damage the brain of a human and you can take away each and every faculty that we take to be ourselves.
thats VERY intresting, whats that from?
what's the perfect size for a penis?
maybe but thats just more dogma. if you want to create your own personal religion then by all means, do it.
but don't fool yourself into thinking your assumptions reflect the reality that we find ourselves sharing. they only reflect your own ideals which are themselves so far removed from reality they simply have no place in a serious acidemic explanation of it.
Will I get out of this situation unscathed?
about three fidy
Why is there no magic in this world? I would like cast some shit.
Why does it anger you?