I rarely turn off a show during the pilot episode, but man, could last only 20 minutes with this pile of garbage.
Gave it a chance after liking Daredevil.
During first 20min 3 men get bullied by women.
Can you please tell me, why you enjoy this garbage? Cause I've seen people defend it.
I think I never hated anything so much during first episode.
Tell me, why do you like it?
Ian Turner
>When Sup Forums tries leaving their safe-space.
Cameron White
does the sexy australian actress do any sexy panty scenes?
Aaron Morales
i didn't even last 20 minutes. i couldn't stop laughing at the screen after she made fun of the foot fag when she's got probably the nastiest feet i've ever seen on a woman.
and i'm not even a foot guy
Nicholas Carter
David Tennant was the best part
Noah Flores
Mods support Sup Forums. Hiro supports Sup Forums. The majority of users on this website support Sup Forums.
You do not belong here and never will.
Tyler Turner
Literally none of that is true
>when Sup Forums thinks people like them
Connor Robinson
Exactly my experience with it. Lasted a bit longer, but I immediatly dropped it when I realized she had super powers (wasn't familiar with the story). What a bunch of shit.
Jordan Stewart
Whatever helps you sleep.
Noah Parker
What did you expect?
Carter Perry
>I choose interesting Sup Forums more than profitable Sup Forums
Benjamin Collins
based hiro
Nicholas Martin
>jew >woman
literally the worst
Nicholas Hernandez
Christopher Hughes
>first arc of the comic was even worse than the tv series
Ian Reed
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Kill yourself please.
Kayden Fisher
I really want to fill my void after watching Daredevil.
Is Gotham any good?
Brayden Cruz
Obviously lower production value, but the first half of season 1 is pretty good. It gets more and more goofy as time goes on though. Still, early Gotham matches the tone you probably seek.
Joshua Watson
I liked it more than DD, probably because I didn't know anything about the story before hand, and DD feels stale.
Jace Mitchell
beats JJ by a mile
Austin Bailey
What that retard fails to understand is if you were to delete Sup Forums then the users would come to all the other boards, which is something I assume he doesn't want.
Matthew Rogers
They'd simply go back to Sup Forums like in the old days.
Juan Mitchell
Ryan Nelson
Fuck off to Reddit faggots
Christian Barnes
Asher Bennett
Why are you surprised, OP?
The creator of the comic upon which the show was based upon is a Jew.
The producer of the show is a Jew.
It is literally, without a joke, always the Jews.
Christopher Perry
So is pretty much every show ever
Anthony Cruz
All comics are made by jews superman spiderman all of them
Cooper Nelson
>liking daredevil
Levi Bell
I support Sup Forums as a containment board
Leo Allen
>I support Sup Forums kill yourself you problematic racist
Alexander Lee
This how you spot a reddit tourist.
Robert Sanchez
this show is absolutely awful the start is kinda promising, but the cool noir stuff quickly stops and then it's a shitshow of retarded plots
Matthew Bell
>3 men get bullied by women
Hit too close to home, user?
Luke Clark
silly goy it means nothing
Jason Cruz
Jessica Jonas is a shit. The protagonist is autistic and the show is very bad.
Andrew Lee
how did they dare to release those lazy ass fight scenes after daredevil, wtf
Charles Scott
She has superpowers, she wouldn't fight like Daredevil. She has no training in fighting and she can throw people around like trash. The fight scenes were perfect.
Kevin Phillips