I have a question/porn thread
I got accepted for a job. I told my mother I got accepted. Now do I convince her that they changed their mind about accepting me?
I have a question/porn thread
I got accepted for a job. I told my mother I got accepted. Now do I convince her that they changed their mind about accepting me?
HOW* do I convince her that they changed their mind about hiring me?
Don't? Go take the job and stop sucking on your mom's tits.
OP is likely 23 and living at home with no job.
21 living at home with no job.
There's a lot of gay shit going on with my grandmother's will and people trying to nigger my brother and I (the only recipients of the will) out of what she left us. I have to travel a lot, AND raise a puppy by myself.
Thing is, my mom really wants me to get this job, and I already told her I got accepted. But the hours are shit and will fuck up all the shit I have to do with my gma's will. She doesn't care. So I need a decent reason to tell her that they decided not to hire me after all, before orientation.
ALSO, just to be clear, we don't need the money. She just wants me to have a job more than anything.
just why exactly do you need to convince her that they did not hire you?
>my reaction to your reasons
just fucking take the job you lazy fucking cunt, if I ever came across you i'd literally slap you for being such a fucking cunt
you are literally the reason why this world is in a fuckign GLOBAL economic crisis for fucks sake
now stop being a lazy cunt and carry your own weight instead of niggering around with someone elses money
yep I'm lazy, unmotivated, and have no ambition. Being forced to sort this shit out with my gma's will already makes me want to kill myself.
Getting a puppy was the first thing that actually motivated me to take on responsibility, get a job, live on my own, etc, so that I could care for it properly, because I couldn't care a single fuck less about my success for my own gain.
Also, lazy faggots living at home aren't the reason we're "in a global economics crisis". You're too fucking retarded to even get that right, so I highly doubt you could come up with some half baked retarded scheme to help me lie to my mom. Fuck off to another thread dumbass.
The guy who quit and replaced with you crawled back to them and he has 3 kids and aids (he's a nigger and he'll cry racism if they dont give him his job back)
wait this isn't a bad idea. can we build on this a little? minus the nigger aids of course.
people not wanting to carry their own weight instead living on welfare/someone elses money is the exact fucking reason why the western world is in crisis, because our goverments are stupid enough to support your choice of lifestyle you fucking shitstain
oh and the porn you're posting is shitty and I've seen every pic posted already in here for thousand times you useless prick
Company in question lost a huge contract that generated the work load you would have been brought in to help with.
I don't know what the job description is but maybe that might help.
If you have a hard time coming up with something to weasel you're way out, you may best get some experience dude. Trust me, it will help you in the future.
He has one leg? How much muh victimhood is too much muh victim hood?
Oh wait, he's trans too
>people blah blah
Sweden does just fine with a bunch of lazy faggots like me. Not exactly a fantastic comparison, considering the differences in taxes and government, but the point is that having lazy fucks in your country doesn't have an enroumas effect on the economy of your country. It adapts, and has adapted to lazy fucks. There are much larger and more complicated reasons than "them damn Millennials are just lazy".
>t-the porn
Yea we all have
Idk if that excuse works for walmart lul.
A bit more context is here Trust me, I want a job, and I want experience. I need it to take care of my dog, which is the single motivation I have to do anything with my life right now. I simply can't take on 9hrs a day 5 days a week with what I have going on.
>Sweden does just fine
believe me they dont, they just dont openly admit it
Then take the job and accept being a grown up. I'm 27, married, have a daughter and a house and to do all of this. I have a full time job that requires oncall duties. I still get shit done.
I agree. It's fucking annoying know some of the money I pay in taxes goes to lazy bastards. Last year alone I paid 18k in taxes, wonder how many people dipped in to that shit. And that doesn't even factor in property taxes on my house or taxes on all the items I have purchased.
Maybe in 6 or 7 years I'll be there too. But right now, at this moment, I have almost zero responsibility. Taking on this truck load of shit all at once that includes, raising a puppy (which is a top priority and I want to do it right), traveling back and fourth to illinois at least once a month, working almost 40hrs a week, and looking for a place to live, would depress me, and I would fail on all fronts. It sounds autistic, but I need to take one step at a time. First step is dog, second step is getting a job, third step is getting all this shit with gma's will fucked off, fourth step is becoming fully independent, etc.
If I take it all on at once I will become depressed and fail and I know this from experience with taking on just a little too much during college, which is another thing on my plate.
First step should be getting a career or job path setup. Never take on responsibilities you cannot handle. Don't have kids if you can't support them, it's not fair to them.
That's what I'm saying. I have ZERO motivation to do that. I've tried very hard, I simply can't bring myself to get out of bed in the morning and do it. I didn't plan on getting this specific here, but if you want context, here's a bit more.
I'm aware of HOW to become successful, I simply don't care to do it; so much so that it's paralyzing. I simply do nothing. The ONLY things I care about are my mom, my dog (previous dog, is ded), and vidya.
I would love to take care of my mom, but I'm a long fucking ways off of being able to flip it upside down and be the one supporting her.
I already have access to games and movies, I don't need to work to consume them.
But I got my dog when I was 10, and I couldn't raise him personally. He was one of the only things that could motivate me to do jack shit. So, I'm getting a puppy, and this time he's completely my responsibility. I have money saved up enough to take care of him until I get a job. But I can't have a job that requires this many hours and this much of a time sink considering what I have going on right now, AND how easily depressed and apathetic towards everything I am.
While I agree with your sentiment wholeheartedly, the fact is if I don't get this dog, I'd continue to be completely stagnate. It's the first step to me doing anything and teaching myself to be okay with, and take on responsibility.
Seriously dude, change you're diet and start working out. You will build the motivation that way. Start with a multivitamin. If you eat junk all the time, you will feel like junk and not want anything else.
I have a physically job and never realized how bad I was until I started a new one. My last company I was getting stagnant. Now I work out a lot and average 15k steps a day. I have the motivation to do shit again.
Seriously, start small and work up to it. Goto a gym and meet new people, you'll feel way better.
more of her please
Great evidence user. You've really appealed to your authority, now I don't know how I couldn't believe you!
That or you're just some dumb faggot that goes on the Internet and lies to make yourself seem intelligent
Just take the fucking job you pathetic fuck
except you didn't sage your comment you fucking monkey
Sauce please
Sweden is in a recession just like almost all capitalist countries. It has fuck all to do with pathetic faggots like OP and all to do with the inherent contradictions and crises of capitalism+neoliberal austerity politics making it x10 worse
Now let's get back to calling OP a faggot