Has any one dealt with anxiety or is currently going threw it that could give me some tips?

Has any one dealt with anxiety or is currently going threw it that could give me some tips?

No but I can give you a dictionary, maybe you could look THROUGH it.

Describe your problem a little bit more, i think i can help...
need 2 go to work in 20 mins though so hurry up

go, all of your problems will be solved

calm the fuck down, user

I had driving anxiety treated by a behavioural psychologist. Turns out i was breathing 20 times a minute when your supposed to only do it 10-12 times.

Count to three at a slow steady rate as you inhale, do the same as you exhale. You'd be surprised how well it works. She explained it as over-oxygenizing my brain causing it to be hyperactive or some shit.

Dont take meds for it. They are addictive and turn you into a zombie with erection problems

I tend to get very nervous or feel like i cant stay still and when ever i go out to stores and stuff i get even more nervous and scared and i didnt used to be like this it all started when i had my first panick attack when i was about to go to sleep i was having racing thoughts and couldn't sleep then my chest started to hurt really bad so i went to the er and the doctors told me i was fine and didnt have any blood problems or heart problems which is good but i still feel anxious threw out the day

do a quick google on grounding your senses.

No tips to give. You just deal with it. I'm going through it currently. Job just cut my pay by 10k. I've taken at least 10 xanax in the last 24 hours. Still having panic attacks. I have a special need brother I take care of. Shit sucks.

A part of me has zero sympathy for anyone that uses "threw" in place of "through". Being an adult that is that illiterate should be illegal.

Nice doubledubs though.