What are the signs of latent homosexuality?

What are the signs of latent homosexuality?

posting on Sup Forums

Fucking other men is a good sign

Asking what the signs of latent homosexuality are

Those two violently fucked each other approximately 3.2 seconds after this picture was taken.

aggressive impulses to hide your attraction to your fellow femboy

I have any idea. Don't be so insecure.I'd say I'm a feminine straight man. What I mean by this is I love cuddling more than my SO, if I find a spider I make her kill it(I FUCKING HATE BUGS). I just realized I'm not even answering your question. If you're gay I'm sure you'll know it. If you think you're gay because you aren't "manly" then don't worry about it.

None which are realistically discernible from the normal range of heterosexual behaviors.

Pretending traps are not gay, and using the phrase "feminine penis" are sure signs you are a closet fag.

thinking people with dicks are girls