I told him i dont wanna be forced to lace my weed and find whoever is stealing my stuff in the hospital. Just incase he thinks I'm joking around im gonna roll a few poison joints with dirt cheap weed. What is some things that i can lace it with that will really fuck him up should i lose joints again
don't :( you could give him something really horrible and ruin his life while also being put in a prison would you really want that
Zachary Howard
Dumbass user worried about prison when roommate literally stealing weed. Not trips, doe
Brandon Jenkins
Why would i be put in prison if my stuff was stolen. Its like like saying if my rmm8 drinks my bleach i will be put in prison. Makes no sense.
I Just dont want anyone taking my shit, its annoying.
Would it be noticeable in terms of smell? I want something discrete.
Anthony Martinez
>poisoning weed Nigga, you gonna get arrested for doing some janky bullshit like that.
>smoking weed in the first place You know, if you'd quit being a teenage edgelord wannabe nigger and just give up that fucking shit, you wouldn't have to worry about your shady faggot roomate stealing your shit.
... but for reals though, I wouldn't even be asking this question. I'd just poison the fucker and get it over with.
... and never have a roomate again. Fuck people.
Nathaniel Gray
Put crack in the joints so he gets addicted to crack cocaine.
By proxy you are forcing him to suck dick for money
Luke Ward
i'm not sure if you read me right but
if you lace joints with chemicals or poison, it can give him serious mental and physical disease and disorders which could debilitate him for the rest of his time on earth, while you are put into jail or prison.
Colton Gomez
Lucas White
I'm not giving him anything. If i lose anymore joints they would be stolen.
Matthew Barnes
Cat shit doobs, you fucking newfag
David Cooper
Mix it with some ground cayenne, will burn his mouth, throat, and lungs like a motherfucker but shouldn't do ant permanent damage
Thomas Gonzalez
Nathaniel Russell
Oh my god. You. FUCKING. IDIOT.
Levi Fisher
i was just about to suggest a strong spice like cayenne, paprika, hell even cinnamon would be very unpleasant to smoke but shouldn't cause any permanent harm
Adrian Gray
But he took my stuff without my permission without me saying what it is exactly to him. Are you memeing? It makes no sense as if he didnt steal my shit he wouldnt of risked smoking an unknown substance in the first place.
Isaac Scott
>i was just about to suggest a strong spice like cayenne, paprika, hell even cinnamon would be very unpleasant to smoke but shouldn't cause any permanent har This guy is retarded. He's not giving him anything. He's rolling his own personal poison joints and if someone steals them it's out of his hands.
Adrian Myers
Yeah that's definitely not how that works.
Camden Ramirez
oh my god. Ok, I want you do this. If they suspect you, then go to court and try to defend yourself. Fucking retard. He would have no idea they were poison-Ok, I fucking quit. Enjoy your future manslaughter charges, OP, you druggie fucking asswipe.
Wyatt Robinson
an hero moralfag
Cooper Rodriguez
Yeah you're right man, they'll drop charges once they realize your friends been stealing weed, make sure to post your name / email so we can contact you about your case news
Lucas Jenkins
learn to hide it better you fucking retard
Lincoln Parker
Hide your weed dumb ass
Zachary Russell
ground nutmeg. best to grind it yourself. legal too.
Xavier Jones
So should i keep letting my weed? I dont suspect he will stop stealing even though i have confronted him about it. How do you suggest i should proceed the rest of my least with this thieve?
Cooper Powell
OP, put crushed up Viagra in the weed. Than when he has a raging boner around you call him a fag.
Blake Gonzalez
I had a friend that caught his roommate stealing his weed. He gave him a month to move out. He moved out.
John Sanchez
Fucking hell.
Don't breed please.
We've got enough fucking retards like you in the world as it is.
Jeremiah Williams
quit lawyerballing this and just stash your fucking weed better (honestly, he's probably smoking it himself and then forgetting he did...) but as for the law - suppose the roomie was stealing (what you believed to be) your food? so you leave a rat poison meringue pie in the fridge roomie eats it - dies... I guarantee you would be prosecuted for murder in that case poisoning your drugs is no different
you are really butthurt. but if he died how would anyone but him know who poisoned him? if i was a cop who found some dumbass smoking bleached weed i would bet he was just dumb
Ayden Hall
Are* what are some things.
Dont do this. This is incredibly dangerous and tbh weed isnt really worth putting someone in the hospital over. Also its illegal
Andrew Kelly
He has 2-3 people sleeping over everyday and smokes inside despite both were against what we agreed on first. Im tired of his shit.
Jackson Peterson
Problem solved.
Matthew Howard
methadone. after 15 years it killed my sister.
Ian Adams
the difference is it needs to be clearly labelled.
If you wtire on the bag "This weed is laced with XXX" you should be fine. Make sure it is readable. If he 1 tells his roomate that he is "trying new weed additives, DO NOT SMOKE", then laces the weed, then labels the weed as labelled, he should be fine. He just needs to make a reasonable effort to warn someone.
Parker Flores
Why do i have to warn someone when my stuff shouldn't be missing in the first place? I dont understanding this logic could you explain pls?
Henry Brooks
how would they know (unless op left something to incriminate himself) that he didnt just buy poisoned weed?
who knows if he is even smoking it in the flat with his roommate. if i was stealing my roommates weed i sure as shit wouldnt smoke his weed in the flat
i would just roll up some fish flakes and goldbond foot powder with some shwag ass brick weed.
Carter Nguyen
ok im not even going to address this autist directly anymore... whats happening here is that he is continuing to seek validation/justification for his disproportionately ugly response to roomie hijinks - instead of listening to overwhelming consensus of reason... the conviction with which he continues to pursue his twisted vigilante moralizing indicates a possible pathology...
Ryan Allen
lol thats a good one
Gabriel Martin
law reasons. you cant just booby trap stuff. Leaving a pie filled with glass in a windowsill (for example) is a major no-no.
Bentley Bailey
it sounds your just a faggy faggot
Julian Hall
Fcking edgy cunts. Reminds me of my little brother in law, kept stealing my drink.... till i pissed in it, resealed it and told him dont drink my new bottle. Bottle dissapeared. Photos of my dick in the bottle pissing into it subsequently appeared on the fridge. His fw.
Wipe a joint on your dogs (sorry forgot your an edgy fuck... cats) ass. Take photos. Either : put photo on stack of joints ("which one principle"), or put photo on fridge when its gone missing with caption like "weed is for assholes".
Nathaniel Stewart
Ok so guys since i cant lace my weed and i still have August with the guy. I have hid my weed before but my room doesnt have many hiding spots. I also cant afford a safe rn.
How do I keep my stuff safe? Can anyone present me with a "rational" solution?
Gavin Cruz
talk to him? if dont work beat him?
Caleb Hughes
Get a locking doorknob, they are cheap as fuck. If you cannot install it yourself, maybe you should quit smoking weed until you grow up a little.
Alexander Ward
Forgot the tag
Wyatt Cook
this x1000
Carter Gutierrez
Thx i will do this asap.
Caleb Foster
burundanga is the solution
Luke Thompson
Your mindset is not that of an adult. Please leave this imageboard.
Julian Hernandez
fight your faggot roommate. stealing from someone you consider a friend is completely 'fight justified'
fucking beat him while he sleeps. ORRR you could put molly in any bottled water you have, like A LOT. smokin weed makes you thirsty. make sure this fuck trips balls, molly is relatively cheap so it should be good. like at least 2-3 grams should make him confused as fuck especially if he doesnt see it coming. Thats when u beat the shit out of him again and ruin his roll.
Angel Gonzalez
Pure jwh-018
Jordan Fisher
Well done. You just proved my point. Retard.
Brody Torres
you lost retarded here is your room now
Connor Russell
This has never been for adults. Rather a place where juvenile'ish youngs gather to discuss disturbing, grotesq' or otherwise unacceptable content. Also a place for anarchism and honor. This was even before chanology, so...
Get the fuck out.
Hunter Reed
not true worked on a similar case ultimately depends on judge, some encourage killing retards
Thomas Peterson
Say it's to help you feel safe enough to fall asleep comfortably at night.
Adam King
fishy fishi
Luke Clark
why dont you get a lock box and lock that shit up user?
people fiend for weed but that doesn't mean they need to end up in the hospital...if they die its on you. stupid fuck
Robert Walker
Lincoln Murphy
lol that guy in the bottom right
Jayden Adams
> 2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Also you're a full blown retard. Honor...
Aiden Gray
Bait or autism.
Either way. Lol.
Carter Thompson
cum on them. he smoked your cum. rmm8 is now a fag for smoking cum
Brayden Reyes
Should I flower my weed plant
Brandon Bailey
Aaaaand he's the edgelord? Sounds like the pot callin the kettle nigger if you ask me.
Caleb Flores
One word: salvia. You can figure it out from there
James Myers
this is actually one of the better ideas lol he wont know what tf is up
Kevin Gomez
Well damn. I know you wanna fuck him up, but just don't kill him. That would be a mercy you shouldn't give anyone.
Brandon Rodriguez
Salvia would definitely be a trip, but nutmeg would really teach him a lesson. Don't buy and give MORE drugs to him... Just sprinkle nutmeg in with your ground bud and roll some joints. Homeboy will spark up, cough up, and realize he don goofed.
Parker Jenkins
so if i have poison in my cabinet
and somebody steals it and eats it
im guilty of murder...?
Xavier Clark
add heroin. keep upping the dose until your roommate will suck your dick for more
Charles Thompson
ya but there are no consequences that way. he'll just realize that it aint weed and go about his day.
Joshua Morris
Not if in a bottled that identifies as containing poison. If in a bottle labeled as containing maple syrup, then yes.
Liam Bell
Had a buddy of mine doing this to me and a couple if the guys. We confronted him and handled it like shit and eventually he apologized. But recently we've found out he's doing it again. To make it worse, the lazy fucker doesn't work and never buys weed and we always smoke him out anyway. So we all police our bud around him. And the rat knows it so whenever we're out and need a piece, he's the first one to suggest his so he can scrape the res. We'd really fuck with him, but his life is sad enough so we just stop giving a fuck.
Joshua Brooks
why dont you just get a fuckin safe
Josiah Watson
ok i have a pickle jar full of screws.
so if someone eats them and dies, im guilty because it was labeled as pickles?
Nicholas Lee
There is always a Charlie in the gang... I have one like that too.
Noah Ross
i could understand this buddy of yours, but my roommate is some rich 2nd generation brown guy whos dad owns a resort and all of his friends has at least a few hundred thousand in the bank. That makes me much more angry.
Asher Hall
it is 100% not illegal to mislabel things.
if somebody steals something from you, you could just say that your intent was never for anybody to consume it. it belonged to you, end of story, what somebody does with it is not your fault.
Angel Scott
hahaha, with a good laywer in america probably
Leo Miller
dude that guy sounds like a huge liability. i know it sucks but the vibe around your place would be much better if u gave him the boot. your life and the lives of your friends outweigh his patheticness. doesnt sound like hes makin any moves to get better either. Kick him the fuc out. i know youll feel bad but you shouldnt hes a leech parasite
Isaac Bennett
Hudson Davis
What kind of scum bag are you?
We know your roommate is the type to steal weed. Are you the one that's ok with planning on hurting people? I don't know a single person who smokes weed that would want o hurt them. You're probably a piece of shit wigger type....the use of "rmm8" for roommate supports this.
Secure your shit if you chose to live with untrustworthy people. Get a fucking safe instead of hurting them......Move out.....Pad lock your room.....Hide your shit better....
Lincoln Sullivan
Why not just beat him up or pay someone else to do it?
Gavin Jones
>cant afford a safe rn >buys weed
Cameron Stewart
>>cant afford a safe rn >>buys weed * for his roomate ftfy
Jeremiah Allen
>many hiding spots
the fuck does that even mean? do you live in a kennel? fucking jail cells have hiding spots. do you not own shoes? jackets? socks? why would you let him in your room in the first place? is everyone insane for not questioning this?
Cooper Sanders
Lithium battery, cut it open with a hack saw and get out that lovely lithium.
Why don't you just stove his head in with a hammer?
Angel Diaz
I don't want to hurt anyone, I told him in front of him i'd lace it from now on and i dont want to find the thieve in the hospital. I don't plan on hurting anyone.
I buy a lot every once in a few months to save on the money. right now im low on the money but i still have the weed from last time i bought.
im not letting anyone in my room but i dont have a lock on door, which i plan on installing shortly. Yes I have hiding spots but I don't think they are discrete enough.
Christian Walker
do the screws look like pickles? did you put the pickle screws out so someone would eat them? then yes, that would be a crime. great hypothetical, autistic 8 year old.
Easton Mitchell
youre a fucking retard.
Joshua Foster
if you roommate asks why you installed a door lock say this, "Some faggot thief keeps stealing my shit. You never know who it is [roomy] so i suggest you get one too."
will make him feel like such crap lol.
Christian Diaz
>possibly going to jail over weed
Nigger are u dumb. Find a better hiding spot or get a new roommate. Really cant be that hard to solve this problem.
Austin James
Justin Rivera
Nobody could possibly access your room at all times, except him. So that means he's the one who did it. So man up and tell him that you know it's him, and that next time so much as half a gram of weed is missing from your stash, you will break his fucking arms. Is that so hard to say ?
Dominic Reyes
Thanks for that. I forgot OP has no responsibility while trying to attack his logic.
Jack Bennett
>implying he will present the joints on a pedestal in the middle of the room for his roommate to smoke
Lucas Ross
So I can sue for wax fruit, right? I mean, it clearly looks like fruit. Why the fuck isn't it fruit?