Why are so many Sup Forumsros in love with traps?
Why are so many Sup Forumsros in love with traps?
they've already fapped to all normie porn and need something extreme to get off.
I guess the legends are ture then...
The more content you jerk off to the extremer it has to be.
wizardin'g makes it easy to find your kinks, but you will get bored of the most extreme fap eventually.
It's not just being in love with traps
So many want to BE traps.
Being a faggot is the "in" thing
They are not straight, they are homo faggots who just want to piss off some real straight fags on this board.
This. aster seeing trap porn and posting it to spam people i eventually got aroused by it. Now want to become trap.
>welcome to 2017
They just wanna be edgy or something
How can you NOT be in love with traps?