>not being able to defend your home and life
Why don't you own a gun Sup Forums?
>not being able to defend your home and life
Why don't you own a gun Sup Forums?
>not being able to defend yourself without a gun
Fuckin faggot
>fights are always equal
clueless faggot
>your last words will be fuck i should of had a gun.
I don't live in a shithole where people attacking people's homes with guns is a realistic threat
If someone has a knife or club, I'd rather have a gun
If they were I wouldn't fuck the grammar up like that, because I'm not retarded
>Should HAVE had*
I'd rather live somewhere where home invasions are unheard of, like here
>needing guns to defend your moms home
>not mastering the blade
fucking casuals
Heh, you don't need a gun when you've mastered the blockchain like I have, faggot.