Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

yeah, im cold turkey 2 weeks now - also trying to taper off xanax at the moment. hurting like hell but ill be happy in the long run

Stop smoking the shit brands, get actual tobacco without the chemicals: Makes it much easier.

cold turkey the xanax too and enjoy the seizures, studies have proved that they help reduce your craving for cigarettes

Not op here, but what brands are we talken about that do that? I need to know.

already ended up in hospital twice due to seizures after finishing my script early. im not a millionaire, cant afford a third time

This meme is so funny to me..

You would have to smoke for like 5-6 hours a day to smoke 75

sucks2beU American. is it true that doctors there just hand out prescriptions like it's nothing?

yep and yep

75? Shit. I thought i had an addiction.

I quit for a couple weeks. Always thought it was easier to quit when I was younger.

You gon die nigga!

75 is almost 4 packs a day
That is literally $24 before taxes every day, almost $9k/yr on cigarettes.

I dont know where you're buying you rigacettes. But that's not so bad for 4 packs. At least where I'm from. But 24 bucks a day. that's ridiculous maign.

I live in Middle TN
At gas stations name brands are around $6/ pack, give or take.

Of course L&M, Traffic, Maverick, Crowns, and other things you don't want to smoke are cheaper, $4something.

In Downtown Chicago I've seen $14/pack

You can buy enough tobacco and tubes to make yourself a carton for $20.

Post pics OP

More than here. Im looking at $11
Pic related tho.

I should move to Tennessee.

I still remember the time you smoked 74 a day.
the times must be pretty harsh for you, bro

Yeah, have the self-discipline to stop for 3 days. Try it when you're sick, or can't access cigs, or whatever. Don't be a weak willed pussy.

Pretty much all of them. The additives make it like you're freebasing the nicotine, which gives it an extra kick and more addiction.

American Spirits don't have additives, or roll your own with pipe tobacco. Not that shitty loose stuff in the big bags, but pouches of pipe tobacco. Use something mild like half and half or Prince Albert.

Next wednesday will be my 2nd week without smoking, first couple of days I only allowed myelf to smoke one cigarette a day, only when the craving got to that point in which you can't think of anything else, after those 2 days it turned a lot easier, haven't touched a cigarette since.
Also, I used vidya to distract my addicted self from wanting to smoke, it helped a lot, get something to distract yourself.

come to australia, thats $100 if your smoking the worst shit

I quit and I did it during a transitional period in my life. That's usually the best time. I also started a new project when I started to quit which really distracted me. But I am a vaping cuck now.

and bruh, name brand smokes are like 15$ in nova scotia

Heres what you do:

Put 15 cigs in a plastic bag. Smoke only what is in the bag that entire day.

Next day put 14 in a bag

Next day 13...

Eventually you will get down to just one.

Quit after 5 years 6 months ago

Jesus Christ if I lived in any other state I'd fucking never smoke

Luckily I live in glorious VA where Marlboro reds are $4 a pack, feels good man

Dorals are too expensive man