Why won't this piece of shit just kill himself?
He is the worst. I sincerely hope the show ends with him committing suicide and everyone in his life celebrate the end of his miserable life.
Why won't this piece of shit just kill himself?
He is the worst. I sincerely hope the show ends with him committing suicide and everyone in his life celebrate the end of his miserable life.
Because he's a fictional man-horse
I think we're all rooting for his suicide, Bojack included, wich means the writer was kinda successfull in making their point
He's more horse than a man, user.
>some characters are anthropomorphic
>some are humans
>They have regular conversations and can be friends
When will this meme end?
Only failed cucks like this show.
Seriously how awful must you be at life to associate with the main character?
I mean, if you want to explore that angle, BoJack is plenty successfull
According to Sup Forums, being a cuck is a failure. So are you saying that failed cucks are successful individuals?
It's impossible to keep up with teenagers these days
there is a full board dedicated to comics and cartoons
>arguing semantics
Is there a more pathetic and cuck defense?
Haha everything is cuck! Cuck cuck cuck
>Successful business man that drinks
>Likes a show you don't
>Breathes air so your body can perform cellular respiration
Do you know what cuck means ma man?
>such a cuck he doesn't know cuck in all caps is kek
Get a load of this cuck.
>Last episode of season 2 ends with him actively attempting to fix his life, even exercising
>He goes back to the same piece of shit he was in season 3
It really should have ended at season 2
False. Watched the show on a television set so myself and 100 others will fill Sup Forums with Bojack Horseman threads, okay faggot?
Because no matter how bad things get and how much we cyclically fuck up, most people just don't have the balls to actually attempt suicide. Alcoholism and drug addiction in general is kinda cool in that its the slow game for killing yourself (less scary commitment) while making you numb to the pain in the moments when its not making you sick or in pain.
I don't think anyone is gonna argue that.
I wish I was a furry Sup Forums
>reddit the show
neck yourself
It would surprise me if legitimate furries actually got into BJ cause most legitimate furries are nerds, and nerds will never get into BJ because they can't relate to BJ.
Its really not as bad as Rick and Morty. It doesn't take itself seriously, its effectively a dark Family Guy if Family Guy didn't have down syndrome.
Yiff in hell furfag
He didn't fix anything though, he just decided to no give up and to try improving himself.
Its definitely not the fact that a new season was just released that encourages fans to discuss the show more than they would during the times when a new season wasn't just released.
Remember, the main character is just a thinly veiled portrayal of the prevalence of the BBC in American society.
>Le reddit horseman XD
Cancerous redditors need to kill themselves asap
can we please talk about this show without resorting to memespouting buzzwords like children?
lol yo whats reddit?
Which as many fuckups can attest to, successful self improvement leads to celebration which leads to relapse into the fucked up behaviors that you were trying to improve from. Its a real process if you want permanent results, and most fuckups will run out of fucks to give before expending the long term effort needed to get there.
>he wants to be a succesful cuck
Where do you think we are?
You're right, this should be a blacked thread, or a Suicide Squad thread, or a Ghostbusters thread, or a Chloe Mortez thread, or a dubs thread.
the cancer does that all by himself :^)
Bojack being so easy to manipulate is a lazy writing. The other characters are much more interesting.
>"Hey Bojack I really liked you in that show"
>"Hey Bojack I want to be just like you"
Makes 2 life changing decisions because of 2 sentences. Fuck that horse he needs to die!!!
Me too just like most of Sup Forums.
Why desu senpai and baka were filtered but cuck wasn't?
So I've only just finished season 1, but its safe to say Diane doesn't legitimately like Bojack as a person right? Its more of a combination of pity and general entertainment that she keeps him around right? She would love to see him do better and find happiness but as a result of all the behaviors that keep him from those things she can't consider him an actual trusted friend.
Its amazing he hasn't accidentally killed himself and lived to see his 50s as it is. He'll get a painful, lonely death some time or another, realistically.
Bojack's in the best place he's been at the end of season 3.
Bojack's problem all his life was that he's thought that happiness was something that you earn. You need to be "good enough" in order to be happy.
But that's wrong. Being happy isn't something you earn, it's something you are.
At the end of Season 3, he longer sees fame or achievement as things capable of making him happy. He's ready to be at peace.
Dianne is much worse, imo.
She's still tied up in the whole "I need to make a difference in order to be worth something" thing, and she's willing to do that at the cost of the people who love her.
She likes him a little, she has a thing for horses.
Also she had an abortion which is gross.
Sup Forums is fucking nerd central and they seem to love Bojack.
Bojack may be in a good place personally but destroyed and aided in the death of his friends. Even has dickless mcgee came back from Olympia only to royally screw him over again with the show.
Is Diane going to Cuck Mr. PB with BoJack?
I've been feeling that vibe since S2
I'm the newbie fan, but I don't see them ever letting him have that big a slice out of the happiness pie.
>I don't see them ever letting him have that big a slice out of the happiness pie.
>sleeping with Diane
>slice of happiness pie
Hahaha, no.
Diane is almost as much as a blackhole of misery as Bojack. MrPB is just too pure to be affected by it (too much).
Well, Diane is becoming more and more miserable.
The way I see it, he'll probably have her when he doesn't want her anymore.
yeah at least Bojack killed a 30-year-old slut who would've probably died soon anyways and his own unborn child
She is extremely flawed, but Bo still sees past those flaws and is in love with her. Despite her flaws, its not in her character to get with him unless he seriously cleans up his act and quits fucking people over.
That would be the most fun way for them to do it imo
Was he fucking her before she OD'd? I didn't get that vibe
You can like a show and not associate with the titular character.
he was in S1
Season 4's going to be interesting.
haha oh shit I forgot about that. What a piece of shit
No way he will kill himself, or OD after this season.
If he does die at the end it will be completely mundane, like he has a tumor and goes out like Herb, for total irony. And it will happen quickly so there's no time for sentimental goodbyes.
>inb4 niggerjokes
inb4 Bojack fucks his own daughter..
>Bojack fucks his daughter
It's about normal human situations. Maybe if you had relationships in your life and tried to do something with your life you would get that.
My guess that everyone who criticizes it for being about depression, and only being enjoyable for the feels of relating to the main character's depression have never even seen it, or still live with their parents.
Why don't you post this in the 80 capeshit threads? Bojack is one of the best sitcoms of all time, if you can even call it a sitcom.
classic reddit
>should have ended at season 2
I think it could go on for a dozen seasons. The whole point is that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions, and nothing that's happened is ever really resolved; the characters just keep living with it and becoming more complex.
>The whole point is that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions, and nothing that's happened is ever really resolved
The theme of Season 3
>making you numb to the pain in the moments when its not making you sick or in pain
So so true.
>comparing bojack to family guy
>in any possible way
Wow, the show really went over your head, didn't it?
I really hope that Bojack doesn't revert to his old way of life and is actually focused on the good things.
Let Diane be the shitsack for Season 4.
I fucked up with that post, I admit it.
>its a real process
That's pretty much what the show is about. Like the monkey at the end of season two says, "it gets easier, but you have to do it every day".
It's really akin to recovering from addiction, but the funny thing is that the only time the show deals with 12 step programs they make a joke out of it, or you know...
>only seen the first season
I'm not saying that people really change in the show, but there is a lot of character development. They become as good of friends as Bojack is with anybody.
Diane is also married to an incredibly successful millionaire but has accomplished practically nothing with her career, and is on the verge of a divorce. I see her ending up as a Todd parallel next season when she loses everything and has nobody to turn to other than Bojack.
He will definitely be doing the show next season; he just had a flashback to Sarah Lynn when the new girl said she wanted to be famous like him and had a freak-out.
>he just had a flashback to Sarah Lynn when the new girl said she wanted to be famous like him and had a freak-out.
I think it's less of a freak out and more of a realization that the acting life is toxic, especially for children.
Sarah Lynn was even talking about how child actors are even legal.
I don't think he's coming back.
>he'll probably have her when he doesn't want her anymore
It will be completely unhappy, "trying to fill the void in my soul" sex when they're both at they're lowest (and then Mr. Peanutbutter will make a grand gesture to get her back and they will forever have this dark secret between them.
Why didn't season 3 have a story arc?
Did anything happen? Because it seemed like nothing happened for 12 episodes but they kind of wanted you to feel like something happened.
Really, fuck this show. They clearly didn't spend much time working on it, so don't spend much time watching it either.
Meh, 12 steps doesn't work for everybody anyways. Also, a shit ton of human behavior is actually a form of addiction that we just don't bother thinking about.
>Bojack killed a 30-year-old slut
He's not the one who named the heroin after himself.
>Why didn't season 3 have a story arc?
It did.
The overall arc was about getting the Oscar.
But it was really about Bojack realizing what achievement isn't going to make himself happy.
How old is she supposed to be? Based on the room I'd say middle school or just starting highschool.
That's the theme of the entire show.
Looks like a college dorm.
Bojack's been fucking randos since the early 90s, so it could be pretty much any age
those legs and tits say: old enough :^)
Did they show this in season 3?
I must have missed it
>le cuck maymoo
epic win (true story)
Diane was the shitsack in season 2.
I would have thought it would be Todd's turn, but after making all those meta jokes about what crazy shit he'll get into now that he's a millionaire he goes and gives it all away.
Last episode.
PC gets a phonecall asking for Bojack but she was like "Fuck it, I don't work for him anymore"
Why would he commit suicide? He loves inflicting pain around the ones that haven't left him.
I was actually hoping this season would end with him killing himself and that would be the end of the show
>tfw drawing furry porn for 11 years
>that whole fight in the freezer of bojack's restaurant
nice life you lead there
honestly I hope this show goes on forever with Bojack destroying more and more lives every season. I hope he kills mr peanutbutter next year
Todd just isn't a bad person though.
He's like MrPB.
Diane's set up to be shithead next season what with having her dream job and it being in conflict with MrPB.
She's gonna pull a Bojack and hopefully, he'll be there to comfort her. In a purely friend related way.
thank you, it's pretty fulfilling honestly.
>I don't think he's coming back
Then they're going to have to come up with something for him to do, because all his other projects are over and Diane, who has nothing going on other than a failing marriage, is pretty much the only person left in his life.
>Diane's ego so big she almost screwed it all for Mr. PB
>For no fucking reason other that she has a FUCKING HUGE ego
>so don't spend much time watching it either
I've repeatedly binge watched this season every day since it came out. The writing is amazing.
>a shit ton of human behavior is actually a form of addiction that we just don't bother thinking about.
I completely agree with that, but the point was that pretty much everything everyone does in Bojack is toxic and self-destructive.
I think what's going to happen is that Bojack is going to stay with the horses for a while.
Find a measure of happiness.
Then go back to LA to find his friends and make amends after a time skip.
The season will be about him tacking down each person and seeing where they are.
>Looks like a college dorm.
It's definitely a childhood room.
>Breathes air so your body can perform cellular respiration
I laughed.
In the future, just link this image with no text, it usually suffices