I saw my beautiful gray 7 year old snowshoe cat, Jasmine, in the kitchen while getting a White Castle frozen burger...

I saw my beautiful gray 7 year old snowshoe cat, Jasmine, in the kitchen while getting a White Castle frozen burger. While I was heating it up, I went over to her and stroked her fur, as usual. I felt obliged to rub her hiney, so I did. I petted the base of her tail and she purred and mewled. She's usually a secluded and shy cat, I've never heard her made that noise before. She was in heat as well, so she purred harder, rubbing against my leg and near my crotch. Mewling and kneading against my thigh while I was rubbing her tail base. She rolled over and I started rubbing her vagina, she swatted me away but I kept stroking her. She began panting and I was diamonds, stroking her faster. I pre'd and starting stroking myself as well. I stopped when I came about 2 minutes later, still purring, and left. Now I'm in my room eating a cold White Castle burger. I don't want to be sexually attracted to my cat.

Stupid fuck ... KYS


Not cool


this better just be a impractical joke

Post pics of cat

Peanut butter...
Peanut butter...
Peeeeaannuuuuttttt bbbbuuuutttteeeerrr..


You dun goofed

>tfw boner from petting a purring cat

OP....You need to kys....


What... the fuck did I just read? Jesus, OP get some help


Don't have anything to take the picture. She's very soft and fluffy, long haired, one of her snow shoes is splotchy. I rubbed her backside again but contained myself from going any further. She sadly mewed in confusion when I stopped. The urge was hard to overcome.

it's 4am in the morning, why did I laugh so hard at this

as opposed to 4am in the afternoon?


This is the second thread I see tonight about an autist being attracted to his cat. What the fuck is happening tonight?

i was wondering the same thing

At least this fucker doesn't want to marry the fucking thing. For now, anyway.