Why are koreans so much better looking than any other race...

why are koreans so much better looking than any other race? even nordic and slavic people look like mongrels compared to them.

Literally every one of them gets plastic surgery.

Good looking, but fucking CRAZIEST of all the asians.
Had a Korean GF twice; NEVER fucking again.

Japanese view Koreans the same way that white people view brown people.

koreans view japanese the same way that white people view black people.

did you date a korean in korea or in the west?

West; one was born here, other was pretty fresh off the boat. Little difference between the two beyond english skills & western pop culture familiarity.
Think the craziness is genetic.

yeah, koreans have the han, but the ones in korea are not too crazy. definitely not worse than western chicks.

The one born here was a reserved, sheltered daughter of a presbie minister & she was still fucking nuts. Shudder to think what a slutty, fully westernized one would be like.

"why koreans are so good looking"
>Thinks Koreans are genetically "pretty"
Oh boy the inocence