Still like trump?

Still like trump?

She never ever flies commercial. She's up to some shit with this play up in here


love him

Never liked Trump.
I could have told you he was a scumbag 30 years ago.


Yuppers how about you?

still doing better than you would have.

good god how old are you grandpa?


Sure do.

You still like dicks?

what did i miss?

Will turn into the best president we have ever had.

one of hillarys employees from her foundation received 35 million from the russians.

OP replying to himself kek

OP was running for POTUS?!?!?!

What a fag.

she hasn't driven a vehicle since 1996. only thing that could get her on a commercial plane would be if isis defunded the clinton foundation


It's supposed to be a picture of her reading the headline that Pence uses an AOL account for official emails.


wtf? I'm a Hillfire missile now.


Don't have to 'like' him.
I would have voted for Charles Manson over
Hillary if it was the only option.



>muh "Trump is bad" superiroty

To be fair, the frogs are all gay now.

Wait, /thedonald is partially how he won. Why would he burn it?

help im stuck in alternate reality where hillary won

