Think a whole bottle of asprin diffused into meat will kill my neighbors 60lb dog?

Think a whole bottle of asprin diffused into meat will kill my neighbors 60lb dog?

Not sure. Try it on yourself first



You'd better use anti-freeze, bro.

Dogs usually like the taste. If not enough, mix with some paracetamol pills.

eat that aspirin yourself. all at once.

Hypnotics like Noctran(r) are very efficient too

Do not mix pills with meat, rather hide the pills into meat. Dogs can detect the smell.

Yea antifreeaze is likely to kill our pets too - hard to toss over a fence, a meatloaf spiked with 1000mg nsaid is guarenteed to reach its indended target.

in reality I'll drop it out my car window out onto the street while the stupid fucker chases me on my way to work.
Tossing shit over neighbors fences is illegal.
