Why is Turkish culture so criminally underappreciated?

Why is Turkish culture so criminally underappreciated?

>top tier cuisine and foods
>intriguing arts and architecture
>comfy homes, filled with beautiful rugs and soft pillows

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full of evil and sandnigger shit
best things are Greek

Ikibey, don't you have a life?

>best things are Greek
Greece sucks, the only thing they have is sour yoghurt, gross olives, a couple of goats and nothing else.

Sour yoghurt is turkish and based though

I thought that too but Greece is better than Turkey.
at everything
also better than hungary
you suck

Sour is an unpleasant taste.

Sweet yoghurts are superior.

greeks are turks and turks are greeks

The cuisine is just well cooked meat
Though that being said, going to Saltbae's restaurant is on my bucket list

Because they are all dirty Muslims. It doesn't matter how nice other parts of your culture are, if you are a Muslim your culture is automatically a general failure.

Greeks are Greeks
turks are just shit

bulgarian cuisine
is just turkish and greek

It's a pleasant sourness, also you're supposed to mix it with meals like dolma, sarma, mantı etc

You can even make a soup from yoghurt which tastes amazing

never stop carrying on the stereotype that magyars are slavs thinking they're turks

Oh! You use it literally like we use tejföl (sour cream)?

>be Hungarian in 100 A.D
>live alongside Turkish nomads for centuries
>settle in Hungary in 1000. A.D.
>get raped by Turks for centuries after 1500's live with them for another 150 years
>you're not Turks :^)

We're Finno-Ugric speaking slavic-turk rape babies.

>We're Finno-Ugric speaking slavic-turk rape babies.
human trash

someone post the ikibey copypasta


to keep it thread related

t*rks are the sub-human barbarians whose only contribution to history is fucking kebab. (Fucking sheep was taken already.)

Modern linguistic and anthropological evidence has shown that the original t*rks were actually remnant Homo erectus, specifically Wushan Man, who survived in isolated populations in the Central Asian hills. They lived a happy, peaceful life hunting with sharpened sticks and clubs, living in caves or crude yurt-like huts and wearing the untanned skins of their prey. However, around roughly 800 BC, contact with wandering Indo-Aryan nomads gave t*rks the idea to ride horses and use bows. In the next three thousand years that it took them to learn how to sit on a horse and move it forward, the t*rks bred like rats until there were enough of them to Zerg Rush the civilized nations of Persia, Anatolia and eastern Europe. And, giving themselves short guttural barbarian names like the 'Huns,' 'Khazars,' and 'Oghuz,' that is exactly what they did. Then, in order to mask their sub-human origins, they proceeded to rape everything they could lay their paws on, creating the most mongrelized excuse for an ethnic group in existence. The original t*rkic people looked like a bunch of filthy Asian bums on horseback who lived in tents. By the time they reached t*rkey, after centuries of fucking Arabs and Europeans, they looked like a mix of white people and Arabs, but some today still have that authentic Asian look.

You presume Turks and Turks are related, they aren't. Only 0.2% of Turkey actually has nomadic origins. The rest of them are just Turkified Anatolians.

There are many Turks with cunt eyes.

embrace your progeny, embrace yourself child

Never heard of tejföl but I imagine it's similar yes

My great great father used to mix yoghurt with sugar and eat it every day according to my mom

>You presume Turks and Turks are related
A bit yes, but I was merely pointing out that both groups had an impression on my people. Kazakhs and nomads at the very dawn of our culture and civilization, and later Turks from Turkey. Either way you slice it, Hungarian is chock full of Turkish words and influence.

just another reason to nuke you

What's the general stance regarding Turkey or the EU in Hungary?

Yes. World wrestling champion Taha Akgul and family.

Cant have a thread about roaches without german flags.

The EU is both hated and loved. Hated because they enforce rules, and loved because of free monies. For now free money is winning, so we like it.

Turkey is a mixed bag. Most people appreciate Turkish culture and people,but they dislike the Turkish government itself (a dictatorship), and Islam (needs no explanation).
Basically, if you abandoned religion, and turned into an European democracy, we'd love you.


Hey don't forget us.
Thinking that turkish diaspora is only in Germany triggers me the rest of us get forgotten all the time.

into the trash with them

americans are literal subhumans

Ikibey you're lifeless faggot go out of your house once in a while.

Turks are useless subhumans.

That was adorable. Especially the first one.

Youre an useless subhuman who is on Sup Forums 24/7.

Greeks can't be subhumans.

Untill they pay their debts they are just that.
Also you aren't greek.

people just bring up those unfunny debt jokes like parrots
because they have nothing else to insult them

everyone can be a Greek

Turkish Diaspora;
>Muh Turkey is so great
>Parents left it for other countries any way
>They still live there, instead of going back to Turkland
urgh Muslims are hilariously dishonest.

They are sons of Ghengis, you are sons of Atilla.

turks go back to turkey since the early 2000s
germany is shit
people finish their education
and fuck off from this shithole

>Finish their education
Because it's better than whatever is offered in Turkey.
Germany is literally a better country in every conceivable metric, we're all glad you're going back though.

more like because they are 3rd generation people who were born into this shithole
you stupid faggot

Turkish culture doesnt exist. Every part of their culture has its origin in other cultures.

Hey man, when I first started using Sup Forums (2011), I fell for the Turkophilia meme, but you have to realise Ataturk's dream is dead and the Imperial heritage of the Ottoman Empire is even more dead. All you have left is a pseudo-balkanite Middle-Eastern Islamic country with an intense Napoleon complex. Enlightened Turks breed like westerners, while the average provincial bumpkin with an underdeveloped amygdala who wants to kill gays and armenians has 8 kids and votes (and has his wife and adult children vote) in every election.

Turkey is a lost cause.


Your parents left for a reason, because Turkey couldn't provide as well for its own citizens as Germany could for foreigners.

Turkey is a shithole compared to any western country, and it's going to get way worse over the coming years.

Oh maybe I should start about how the greeks got their debts or about how they failed in everything they tried in the last century.
But I don't want to derail the thread further like you retarded sperg try to.

its not the 60s anymore
Turkey is miles ahead compared to EU shitholes like bulgaria or romania.

That's what I was referencing.

The future does not look good for Turkey. The little glimmer of progress it carries throughout the 20th century won't carry on to the 21st century given demographics.

Turkey will regress back into barbarity.

>Bulgaria and Romania.
Okay, THAT is true. But I did say WESTERN country. As in western Europe.

Kill yourself and your meme party.

>Only 0.2% of Turkey actually has nomadic origins

its around 7.5-15 percent

>population of a non country
>aging is big problem
>retarded 3rd world shithole neighbours
>turkey is neighbour country
>region full of wars and subhumans
i wonder why

Hey iki
I can save

I like sucuk

whenever i speak to people about kurds
they laugh at me
i dont understand how they can underestimate this

> the green banana
That's the Iron curtain.

From Stettin in the Baltic, to Trieste in the Adriatic.

in western turkey you could live better than in western europe

It's not just Kurds. A large swathe of Turks are ignorant Islamist retards. The Kurds are as well, but Educated/Westernised Turks as opposed to Ignorant/Rural Turks is also a large part of it.

in our old books we learned only about the blue banana

Many bad people there under the surface

No. You can live a good life anywhere in the world almost if you have a lot of money. But you could still live better in the west than in Turkey if you had all the money in the world.

my retarded neighbour is one
4 children and he wont stop

your people are shit
your food is shit
your climate is shit
your nature is shit
everything is shit
people just stay for the jobs
nothing else

>implying literally all of that isn't true for turkey, except that there aren't attractive jobs either

And that is why you are posting this from a western flag even though you are a Turk.

It makes perfect sense Mehmet.

Immigrants complaining about the country they moved to while romanticizing the country they left are the absolute most disgraceful people on the planet.

have you ever been to west turkey?

because i was born here you retard
and I am a Greek
in Greece

Guys you should stop replying to this fatso al*mancı

>born here
Your parents were born in Turkey and the moved to Germany. Now do the opposite and stop leeching on Europeans.

>Responding to ikib*y

Just how new are you? Reply him the copy pasta and leave ffs

wrong you bastard

>Now do the opposite and stop leeching on Europeans.
i dont understand this meme on turks
they work harder and for less money than krauts
they pay for german health care and pensions because krauts are slowly dying out and age

meanwhile fucking kurds and arabs make many children and live like kings from welfare
but nobody ever mentions them

You are Turk

He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek because he was rejected by his kin on Sup Forums. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming

Here is his story


Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life


>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine

If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

that was just a guy with a proxy

>but nobody ever mentions them
Where do you think you are?

>Meme on Turks
Because we've all seen the youtube videos from Turk-majority schools in Germany where normal German kids are fucking beaten and bullied every day. You also live in dangerous suburbs that are more dangerous than German areas. You are much like arabs in that way.

If you think Turkey is better than Germany, just go back there. It makes you look like a fucking idiot if you keep on shilling for a country that you refuse to even move back to.

>ctrl + f "Gree"
>18 matches

>whitey getting his ass handed to him
How is this bad exactly?

in a shithole

german bullshit media shows only cherry picked shit
there were millions of turks here
and nothing happened
some arabs came in
terrorism, rape and other shit everywhere

i do not want
to go to turkey
i want to live in Greece

all the retarded videos are from the 90s and 2000s
today most turks are metrosexual faggots
they even have german friends and do german things

>tfw whitey doesn't get his ass handed to him anymore
Feels bad man

If you are Greek, then I am a Turk.
And I have been to Turkey many times, and know everything about the country.
And I say Germany is better than Turkey in every way. And that you should go back there, because you're not actually Greek.

>Cherry picked
Apologist Turkish mannerisms. Mehmet, move back to the superior country of Turkey and live your life there.

arabs are the new turks
turks are like angels compared to this human trash
one north african sandnigger caused more problems in my place than all turks together

>And I say Germany is better than Turkey in every way
apart from economy
there is nothing else
germany has luck because of the better location
far away from all the balkan and arab subhumans

>tfw whitey is getting his ass handed back to him again
Feels good again man

No. If Germany was a lucky country there wouldn't be as many Turks in it as there currently are.

It's just a better country.

>If Germany was a lucky country there wouldn't be as many Turks in it as there currently are.
they needed and still need thousands of workers
they called turks for work

its better in your dreams
not in real life

>Called for Turks to work
Yes, and the idea was that they would go back when they were done
They did not, instead they shat out ungrateful pieces of shit like you who romanticize the motherland where their parents couldn't get work in the first place.

>they called turks for work
ah yes because they took the turks back to germany in chains, they definitely didn't choose to do so at all

typical kraut
>invite thousands of uneducated trash workers from poor countries
>subhuman immigrants why dont they go back to their poor countries?

shitmany today
>invite thousands/millions of uneducated trash refugees from poor countries
>subhuman refugees why dont they go back to their poor countries?

Yes, Turks are much like the arab refugees.

most of them came from eastern anatolia
just look what it is today
now imagine how it was half a century ago

some thousand arabs caused more trouble in 1-2 years than turkish immigrants in the last decades

Turks caused plenty of trouble, as I said, we've all seen the Turkish schools where turks brag about abusing German children.

You are 100% arab.

There's a ton of turkish soap operas on netflix but the one I watched (like two episodes) is so fucking slow

Recommend me something turkish to watch that's good plz

germans aare bitches
everyone of us kicks some germans for fun
if i was an arab
i would climb the mt everest and jump into my death
But with a happy coincidence I was born as a Greek.

I appreciate the works of Sahin K.

one of these has to at least be memeworthy

>pretending to be non white on Sup Forums

Turks were actually not just indo-aryans caucasoids culturally cucked by mongols overlords?