I'm a straight guy, but I'm not very good with the ladies and sexual tension is unbearable especially in college.
>roommate has same problem >one night we are both horny, and decide the best thing to do >take out our sexual urges on each other >take turn fucking and cumming in each other's asses multiple times >feel disgusted during and after but i closed me eyes and pretended he was a girl >felt good enough
Now we are both straight, and this is a good way to fight the urges, but I don't know if it's the right way to go about things. I would really just like to have a girlfriend for this, but i don't know how to speak to girls. Any advice?
Zachary Evans
Get used to fucking your room mates ass
James Lee
I would litterally cannot get hard while watching a nude boy
I think you are a faggot who pretend being normal.
>I'm a straight guy >take turn fucking and cumming in each other's asses multiple times
pick one
Colton Peterson
OP is literally a faggot here. Not straight anymore, faggy fag.
Connor Smith
Hey hey hey, mind sharing the sauce to that webm? I dont have facial recognition skills when it comes to pornstars.
Xavier Adams
You don't get any girls because you jack off to porn any time you get horny, eventually completely desensetising you to porn, leaving you with sexual frustration but a complete lack of social skills that you should have developed through puberty.
So you fucked your roommate kek
Juan Green
This is only a temporary solution we don't even look at each other or talk while we do it and the lights are off. We aren't gay at all, but you gotta handle it sometimes.
I only like skinny Asians and whites. The fat chicks here are mostly nerdy niggers
Austin Edwards
Sauce pls?
Colton Rogers
like i said this is only temporary
Kayden Long
>We only do it when the lights are off
Oh my god how deep in denial can one person be
Cooper Baker
>temporary solution
Logan White
4/10 made me respond
James Mitchell
best way to solve this? >don't be ugly af >talk to a girl >don't be an autistic retard >have decent self-confidence >drown in pussy
Xavier Wilson
Ok, who has the bigger cock?
Joseph Moore
>I only like skinny Asians and whites but you do like fucking men? It doesn't matter what you like, do it for practice. Or keep fucking your roommate until you will adopt a skinny Asian girl, and could "pool a Woody Allen"
Matthew Price
And his dick.
Brayden Edwards
i don't like fucking my roommate but it was the best available option to me. I don't like men I just needed something to fuck, but I refuse to fuck a fat chick.
Bentley Kelly
No because you'd be a straight guy if you did that.
How many other men have you fucked? How many other me have fucked you?
Juan Gutierrez
the fact that you prefer to fuck a guy (and let him fuck you back) better than fucking a fatty, only proofs that you're are in denial of being at least bisexual. Does a thick dick up your ass really better than put your dick in a thick pussy?
Josiah Harris
Carson Price
Should not the question be why he prefers boipussy to actual pussy
Be prepared for your roommate to blackmail you when you do find another guy to fuck.
Christian Robinson
Try investing some time in women meet a chick and stop wasting your time finger fuckin your roommate u boob cat Jeezes
Collage hey your dad must be so proud
John Gutierrez
it's abella anderson
Leo Gomez
Abella anderson
Luis Sullivan
Killing yourself would be a better option. (If not the best...)
Brody Rivera
Asking the important question here.
OP, if your dick is bigger you don't have to worry about being gay or not, as it's completely acceptable and totally straight as long as you don't kiss. If your dicks is smaller, however...I've got some bad news for you.
Gavin Bell
ur a faggot
Ryan Reyes
im already a bit overweight myself, thats why ive always wanted a skinny girlfriend. fucking a fat chick just wouldn't work and would be unappealing. However im not attracted to men, we just decided since it was easy and safe we would just do it and get it done with until we handled all the urges, it was disgusting and i hated it but it got the job done.
Christopher Gray
Kek i see the trick your playing user. OP is confirmed gay if they measure dicks. >loaded question
Parker Davis
Aiden Jenkins
>would be unappealing and fucking men is appealing?! you're either: 1) in serious denial 2) very stupid 3) a troll and probably 4) all of the above
Ryder Cruz
Bentley Price
If the balls touched or you got cum on your balls/in you're mouth, you're gay.
Jason Edwards
In all seriousness prostate orgasms are one of the best orgasms a male can have. When done right, not much can compete to how powerful and pleasurable it really is. Honestly OP, if you didn't get one then, you're getting fucked for nothing. If you're going to get fucked might as well enjoy it!