Indian here. Tell me anything you know about my country

Indian here. Tell me anything you know about my country.

full of call centers


poo in the loo


Shitting fields are an actual thing in your country.

Also, you bath in the dirtiest water one can figure out.

That movie Lion sucked. Your country is full of retards.

Its the most important country in the world. Without india the world would have never made it this far in technologies, resources and infrastructure.

gang raping girls all day long

fucking GREAT at CRICKET :)

Why the fuck do u gypsy care about it so much to make a thread about it every day?

You guys shit in the streets

And the rivers.
And the beaches.
And the countryside.
And you don't want to stop.

Which state you from ?


What a shitty bait

That we must crusade against you. Praise Trump!

I can smell it over here, in Hong Kong

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

>Its the most important country in the world
Yes, India is number in street shitting competition.


I went to a water park in the middle of nowhere in India me and my friends were the only white people in the park everyone wanted photos with us. Legit think some of them never saw a white person irl


brown faggot with nigga complex detected.

Sandeep calm down

>be ware u bleddy fuck guys

the most accurate picture on the internet

How dare you talk back to Americans that way. Why if you had something useful in your country, we would have invaded under the guise of human rights fixing already.

War flashbacks

Its actually quite true mate. Indian here. India has a huge fucking rural population. And 99% have never seen a foreigner before. Dated a spanish girl. Any rural place I went, she was getting approached by people (specially the kids) to click pictures with her. Its just the curiosity.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, herpes carrying hookah smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Abhi Nishan Pajeet de Nandan. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Asia can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Indian rivers you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to ride your grandfathers goat to Pakistan and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. India’s obsession with Trying to become a western society is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally acting white is an indian national pastime, they dress up as whites, do an impression of acting in knockoff hollywood. The CANT SHIT IN TOILETS sentiment in the average negro Indian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your asshole, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.
You are the Baltimore of Asia.
Go fertilise the Banyans with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Indian Cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an indian "man" provided for a family, when not coming home from his piece of shit job cleaning the shit covered river to hit his kids.
Die, Pajeet. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Why are some indians black-brown-or pale? Wtf ?

They're literally like the abos.
Fucking backwards country.

Awww fuck you too mate

You have a fuckton of rare diseases

how do i fuck indian sluts

Because India has a huge diversity. Think Europe along with central Africa. We have all sorts of terrains and climate all over. Extreme cold in the Himalayas to dry af Thar deserts to coastal warm shores of Indian ocean, Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal. Pick up a geography or history book, please.


Watch out everyone, we've got a mad gypsy here.

Shut the fuck up Pajeet.
Go shit in the streets.

Do you think this Indian girl is hot?


Have you ever encountered an elephant?

nice pasta, saw this before

Good food :D

you make nike

God level Diarrhea afterwards

You do know that Hitler's true aryans are the north indians ? The light skinned ones with blue or grey eyes.

holy shit, I've never seen this pasta before 10/10

pooland you mean?

India, officially the Republic of India (Bhārat Gaṇarājya),[e] is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country (with over 1.2 billion people), and the most populous democracy in the world. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast. It shares land borders with Pakistan to the west;[f] China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the northeast; and Myanmar (Burma) and Bangladesh to the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand and Indonesia.

The Indian subcontinent was home to the urban Indus Valley Civilisation of the 3rd millennium BCE. In the following millennium, the oldest scriptures associated with Hinduism began to be composed. Social stratification, based on caste, emerged in the first millennium BCE, and Buddhism and Jainism arose. Early political consolidations took place under the Maurya and Gupta empires; the later peninsular Middle Kingdoms influenced cultures as far as southeast Asia. In the medieval era, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam arrived, and Sikhism emerged, all adding to the region's diverse culture. Much of the north fell to the Delhi sultanate; the south was united under the Vijayanagara Empire. The economy expanded in the 17th century in the Mughal empire. In the mid-18th century, the subcontinent came under British East India Company rule, and in the mid-19th under British crown rule. A nationalist movement emerged in the late 19th century, which later, under Mahatma Gandhi, was noted for non-violent resistance and led to India's independence in 1947.

In 2015, the Indian economy was the world's seventh largest by nominal GDP and third largest by purchasing power parity.[14] Following market-based economic reforms in 1991, India became one of the fastest-growing major economies

nice wiki pasta

It's one of the few countries in the world with significant Muslim population but a government which isn't Muslim

Don't u guys like hold hands when u walk around? That's really fucking gay dude

I've got nothing against the non muslims, but those shitty muslims need to die, asap.

This pasta is getting old friendo


>best women
>best scientists
>best mathematicians
>best food
>best culture
>best movie industry
>best music
>best space programme

>a few povvos shit in a back alley


forgot worst call centers

GDP doesn't mean shit, the most stupid way of measuring development and wealth in a country.


Im interested in everything but fuck me India's just boring to learn anything about, waste of time

People are starving but your unwilling to kill the million of cows to feed the hungry because you believe they are holy.


India, fun tonibise bi orile-ede Olominira ile India (Híndì: भारत गणराज्य Bhārat Gaṇarājya; see also in other Indian languages), je orile-ede kan ni Guusu Asia. Ohun ni orile-ede keje titobijulo gege bi itobi jeografi, orile-ede keji toni iye awon eniyan julo pelu bi 1.18 egbegberunkeji eniyan, ati orile-ede oseluaralu toni iye awon eniyan julo lagbaye. O ja mo Okun India ni guusu, Okun arabu ni iwoorun, ati Ebado Benga ni ilaorun, India ni ile eti odo to je 7,517 kilometres (4,700 mi).[15] O ni bode mo Pakistan ni iwoorun;[16] Saina, Nepal, ati Bhutan si ariwa; ati Bangladesh ati Burma ni ilaorun. India wa nitosi Sri Lanka, ati Maldives ti won wa ni Okun India.

Gege bi ile Asa-Olaju Afonifoji Indus ati agbegbe ojuona owo latayeraye ati awon ile obaluaye, abeorile India je didamo fun ola aje ati asa re kakiri atigba to ti wa.[17] Esin nla merin, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism ati Sikhism ni won bere latibe, nigbati Zoroastrianism, Esin Ju, Esin Kristi ati Imale de sibe ni egberundun akoko IO (CE) won si kopa ninu bi orisirisi asa agbegbe na seri. Diedie o je fifamora latowo British East India Company lati ibere orundun ikejidinlogun, o si di ile amusin Ile-oba Isodokan lati arin orundun ikandinlogun, India di orile-ede alominira ni 1947 leyin akitiyan fun isominira to se pataki fun isatako alaise jagidijagan kakiri.[18]
India je orile-ede olominira kan to ni ipinle 28 ati awon agbegbe isokan meje pelu sistemu onileasofin oseluaralu. Okowo India ni okowo ikokanla titobijulo gege bi olorujo GDP lagbaye ati ikerin titobijulo gege bi ibamu agbara iraja. Otun je omo egbe Ajoni awon Orile-ede, G-20, BRIC, SAFTA ati Agbajo Owo Agbaye. India je orile-ede toni ohun-ijagun bombu inuatomu, o si ni ile-ise ologun ikewa ton nawojulo pelu ile-ise ologun adigun keji titobijulo lagbaye.
Atunse okowo to bere lati 1991 ti so India di ikan ninu awon okowo to n dagba kiakia julo lagbaye;[19] sibesibe, aini si tun ba ja,[20] aimookomooka, iwa-ibaje, arun

U like to rape children on buses and claim its some kind of family honor billshit which makes the civilised world think u r nothing but animals and the British really should have stayed.

Butthurt white people detected.
India is literally the greatest country on Earth, economically, culturally and academically.

We have the most beautiful women, are currently leading the space race and our architecture and call centers are second to none. Some of our poor people shit in the street, who cares when the rest of us are driving brand new Nissans and eating the finest foods in the world?


Street shitting and gang rape.
Oh, and there's over a billion of you shit-skinned monkeys so you need to stop fucking, dot-head.

Only been to India once, nothing particularly different from the other shitty dirt monkey countries except for the smell. I will never forget the fucking stench that hit me when I got of the plane, other countries stink, India fucking STINKS!

they like to gang rape monkeys.

I wouldn't be proud to come from a country whose main exports are 7-11 workers and call center scam artists.

this whole post is a straight up delusion.

Rape is so common all your women all around with bullseyes on their foreheads.

Sure, Pajeet. Sure.

Finest food. Can't eat steak.

bunch of ugly, smelly , sneaky cowardly niggers

Mr. Patel got angry

Is that true?

Good food.

Everything else is just poo and poverty.

Hey now

Today's not opposites day.

They also touch each other penises to say good night

most beautiful womens, you mean landwales shitting in the streets ?

I went to India for a holiday, biggest shithole i have ever visited. Nepal was 100x better.

5/5 in Hindu pastas so far, pro and anti.

If it was any worse it'd be a YLYL thread.

>speaking of which...

user, Haha. Where did you find this one?




Pretty much every Indian man I've met has stared at my gf like a fucking animal without any shame. The ones from our college would add her on Facebook, message her and act like she owes them something. Other random Indians would regularly follow her home on the bus too. She skips her stop and has to call someone to pick her up from the next one out of fear. My gf is originally from Palestine and wears a hijab which for some reason attracts them. Obviously not all are like that, but jesus christ enough of them are that make me be wary of them. It's the same thing with Arabs

crazy street food
call centres
begging frenzies



daily reminder that more than 50% of indians don't have a toilet that can flush.




Found it here


Learn to greentext fucking newfag.

Civilized countries should nuke the shit out of that shithole you call India

> curry niggers

Fuck no

Let them clean up their own messes.

Nice trips Satan.

Daily reminder that lots of Indians don't want a toilet that flushes either.