>current year
>Elder Scrolls is STILL the undisputed open world RPG franchise
>current year
>Elder Scrolls is STILL the undisputed open world RPG franchise
presumably because the competition mostly suck
Oblivion on Switch when?
this thread can wrap up now. no further answers are necessary
Well how many other open world RPG FRANCHISES are out there
Witcher 3 and LoZ blow Elder Scrolls completely away, but they are just 1 game, not a franchise.
you are wrong.
i'm not even going to put forward an argument.
because there are none like it that offer so much freedom , while witcher 3 also has an amazing openworld and story it lacks the freedom to do and become anything you want you are simply geralt and play his story , in the elderscrolls you are essentialy making your own story and be what and whoever you want to be.
>buggy as shit engine
>boring main quest
I guess if you are into """sandboxes""", i prefer to have a game with substance though.
not Oblivion but Elder Scrolls V due sometime this summer i believe