Wouldn't do anal sex so broke up / leaking ex gf nudes

wouldn't do anal sex so broke up / leaking ex gf nudes

she loves people jacking off to the pics it makes her horny ; )
true little slut

trip = full name and hometown

Other urls found in this thread:




sent loads of tease images like this

Rear entry
Pull out of her cunt
Lube up her asshole
Anal entry
Pin her down
Work your worm into her asshole
Extra points if you can slide a small vibrator up her cunt while you're buttfucking her.
Cup the tits
Keep ramming
Orgasm, squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt
wait until you get soft to pull out

She may be a bit upset, but who cares? Women are made to fuck in all holes. Does she not know this?


she had a foot fetish as well

shame her pussy was loose : (

can you blame??




Just had sex with my chubby but fuckable friend last night (or technically early this morning.) Story time while OP Dumps, Sup Forums

>>no pics sorry




begged for cock for first time when sending this

This is probably fake or b8, but if not you're retarded for breaking up with her OP. With a few nice gifts, good dates and some convincing you could bust every nut for the rest of your life in your slut gf's asshole. Nice tits tho

then started sending terribly made pictures of her masturbating

What a fuckin prude, I'd have left her too user, and have left women for that same reason.

this verification shit is annoying so I'm just going to post college, name and town now and go play world of warcraft

Name: Alexa Schmidt
Town: Southport

Keep em coming op. I love this whore.

You dun fucked up OP. Now I'm sending her screenies of this thread

thats the point of the thread mate

Nice dimples



she loved sucking cock and always asked to cum inside her