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The trailer honestly looks misleading. I suspect the quips are just shown to shut down the autists who have to survive on quips and the rest of the movie is still the usual great philosophical drama
Looks fucking terrible. Quips left and right. If you are balding, wear glasses and are under 35 you should kill yourself immediately.
It does look better
But too many quips
Marvel owns quipkino
From what? Plebs crying not muh Superman?
Wew that aspect ratio is shit, them quips.
marvel does tv dumbed down garbage and now dc will try to catch up by making netflix tier contrived garbage.
Reddit humor:
>pushed by corporations
>safe, middle of the road, insincere, appeals to a wide variety of interest groups
>glorifies the image of the product it is pushing
>conforms to corporate and elite interests
>created by committee to sell products
>tries too hard to become a meme and in the process embed itself within the minds of consumers to sell more crap related to the franchise (the entire character of Flash)
Sup Forums humor:
>anonymous origins
>free, democratic, open source
>subverts corporate interests and intentions (Bane in TDKR used to attack the movie, not praise it)
>not created to push a product or message, but rather to amuse and humor individuals
>created for a specific group of enlightened users, not dumbed down for the masses
>memes are not forced by corporations, but rather become popular due to their innate appeal
I believe in you, marketer-man! If you repeat it another sixty thousand times and make more threads your dreams will come true.
It's made by Zack "existential is essential" Snyder
Of fucking course it will be.
Looks great, but I dont like those quips too much. Hopefully most of them are in the trailer. Cyborg looks like a joke. Half transformer.
whoa whoa redemption?
Have you see the Killing Joke?
Have you heard these terrible quips in the trailer?
Have you seen that sand snake choreography in Wonder Woman?
What redemption lol?
Yeah no
It's Zack Snyder. Our senpai doesn't need to worry were getting kino again
Fuck you asshole I'm living a happy life
That this movie triggers betas here makes me enjoy it way more.
They should've gone with Teen Titans cyborg look
Unanimously agreed to be the best
Maybe he'll get an upgrade as it goes on
You described my brother in law
Poor guy if you look at my wife and him you could swear the whole "he took all the ugly genes" shit is true. Dude was truly handed that short end of the stick.
The face doesn't look to bad. Need to fix his body armor and he's good
Yeah fuck Reddit and Marvel
Elaborate what's wrong with it