How do beaners feel about this cunt being the most high profile Mexican-American actor in Hollywood?

How do beaners feel about this cunt being the most high profile Mexican-American actor in Hollywood?

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I thought the most high profile Mexican was Louis CK.

At least he's brown and not some cumskin like Guillermo del toro

mexicans are so worthless their characters have to be played by maoris and arabs

We don't keep score, we just watch movies

We're not niggers

Not offended by him being a stereotype or is that accurate to how you guys really act?

I don't get offended/care by how we're portrayed.

Good cuck

It's accurate to how some cholos act but we have no reason to get worked up about it because Latin America has its own thriving film and tv industries

we keep our women on check

I don't know, is every american a fat eating-burger ignorant?

Not at all and like the other guy said we don't give a fuck about "representation".

Latina women have the highest rate of intermarriage with whites after Asians

Mexicans have a sense of humor.

That damn nigger lady sure hated mexicans.

He's pretty chill dude

Him and Luis Guzman

Indian mexican>>>>cumskin mexican

This. Most Mexicans are too busy working their asses off to care about representation in an industry run by Jews.

>Most Mexicans are too busy working their asses off

yeah draining welfare and making gangs just like their black buddies


He's no John Leguizamo, but he's still pretty cool.

He's pretty good, been watching him since World Trade Center.

But I don't care about quotas. They are for gibsmedat cucks

I believe this is true

Spic fag here. I like white guys much more than other spics tbqh

I'm with you.

White guys >> every other race in terms of attractiveness

This is why I can get along with Mexicans who actually express their culture where as black people who act like other black people piss me off.

Damn this thread makes me proud to be best friends with a spic knowing he's not just an Uncle Tom, even if his dad is undocumented

>black people who act like other black people
Use your words, son.

They've got a Mexican winning the Best Director Oscar two (2) years in a row. Every Mexican on screen now can be wearing a mustache, poncho, and sombrero and they wouldn't throw a fit.

I don't care at all. I'm third generation Mestizo and identify as white even though some of my family are full blown Mexican

>tfw 1/4 Mexican but never capitalized on it by writing Hispanic in the race box on standardized tests and official docs

Fellow beaner here. Can confirm. Only women and blacks care about "representation". I do like that one fatish dude with the goatee who plays every background Mexican in almost every movie though and haven't seen him lately

>I'm third generation Mestizo and identify as white

So you're an insecure little beaner

but latino men intermarriage with white women is high as shit too

White women are whores, though, Latinas are supposed to be conservative and community-minded

youll never be white

marrying westernized latinas is a mixed bag . lots of them are really white washed and no different from white girls but the more latino leaning culture wise are the good ones(most of the time)

This was the most famous mexican in film and television in the 50s.

In what way have things changed.

You mean Luis "I'll take any role Eric Roberts wont" Guzman?

He's a scientologist so thats a few points knocked off

>the more latino leaning culture wise are the good ones
Latino bitches are fucking crazy user, and you've got a 87% chance of babushka syndrome waiting to go off like a landmine.

No he's good too, but the one that's always a gangbanger. He got a monkey up his ass in Bruce Almighty and had his shit pushed in in training day. Tuco is also a great beaner actor, loved him in my name is earl



I'm also a beaner, would like to add that we have our own television and we just enjoy being entertained. Since we like to be entertained, we will watch american movies and shows, but dubbed and won't complain about the lack of 'diversity'.

I dislike it when you change a character to a different race for no reason though, that's bullshit. Unless the actor is good, you should keep it straight and focus more on the quality of the product. I'm ok with race-switching if the performance is good though.

mexican here also. no one cares about this fucker anymore than they care about adam sandler.


Sometimes the stereotypes are based on irl shit, so seeing a gangbanger and how he reacts to shit isn't offensive. Now if you had a latina character who looks like the India Maria and shoots infants out her cooch as projectiles, and also is repelled by anything with NSA on it, THAT would be fucked up.

Belinda is Spanish tho.

Shhhh... Aren't we all Mexicans a little bit spanisH on the inside?

>I have never tried applying for welfare or other such government programs set aside for people in need, but Sup Forums-tier retards spout this and so it must be true

Do you know WHY there's so many latino youths who are criminals? It's cause their parents are out working for shit pay at shit jobs and aren't around to discipline their kids. Once they do get home, they don't support you emotionally nor with schoolwork and so you are left to your own devises. The primary reason a latino youth joins a gang is a sense of family, of bros that will back you up. I can't speak for mayates, but I assume their shit is worse.

At least latinos are hardworking, the cliche of a lazy mexican is retarded. Other stereotypes are true though (at least for mexicans). We get fat after getting married, we eat tortillas almost every meal, we adore beans, we eat spicy shit with every meal. Those that do get welfare and are government leaches are looked down upon (chusma) and many people won't like you dealing with their kind. For mexicans, skin color isn't much, but class is. Poor mexicans will talk shit on poorer mexicans.

>call a spic the wrong kind of spic
>watch them lose their shit
But yeah... spanish... sure.

I really don't care

He was great in End of Watch

mexicans cannot act. they only know how to make abstract movies.


Latinos are poor and criminal because they are genetically closer to niggers than to whites.


That aint preacher.

I don't care

just want to see a good movie

He was really good in Shooter and End of Watch.

Nobody cares about these shitty actors.
The directors on the other hand

we dont care


I'm mexican tho, and i dont give a fuck about this.

I mean, im not him.

Why would we be offended by the stereotype? It's only white SJW's. Hell, they tried to ban Speedy Gonzalez but the majority of the Hispanic community voiced outrage because they loved him.

Noel "Broke into your house, ese" Gugliemi.

This guy was so
I honestly feel insulted

>tfw he's gonna be the first Guatemalan to win an Oscar
>tfw his name is Oscar
My mom and I go see all his movies.

I really like both those films, end of watch chokes me up like a motherfucker.

Shooter is unironically one of my favourite films of all time.

But he was an uspstanding gentleman in that movie. He was in wine tastings and art galleries n shiet.

Beaners don't feel anything.

More bothered that people think every latino is a mexican.

Shit forgot pic

Jajajajajaja, no mames cabron.

A mi eso me importa una mierda, no soy el, no gano su dinero.
Por mi que se mueran todos los mexicanos actores, igual soy mexicano.

Indifferent. This.

Untrue. Brush up on your history.

Es cierto que su padre era mason y despues el se unio a la masoneria?

No soy guatemalteco.

>beaner born in America
>shill for trump daily
Feels good. I just wanna keep my guns

>tfw handsome, 6'0, muscular 80 kg spic
feels good

Y de aseguro este es un chicano.
Asi son estos inmigrantes se odian entre ellos.

Impossible to be average or good looking as a mexican you can either be the most horrible thing ever or the hottest mayan god race

>It's cause their parents are out working for shit pay at shit jobs and aren't around to discipline their kids.

What a pathetic worthless excuse, as if asians and indians didn't have busy parents

No wonder Trump is rising


He's legit a good actor.

Observe & Report and End of Watch being his highlights.

The Cesar Chavez thing nobody wanted.

You have it backwards
I work security at a studio and every time they need arab extras they get a bunch of mexicans to do it

Use your brain dipshit, there are black people who are part of the crowd and black people who have respect for themselves and the people around them

It's good that there's Mexicans in good hollywood flicks because Mexican movies tend to suck balls. Cuaron, Del Toro and Inarritu had to migrate to be able to do decent work because here is nigh impossible.

>black people who have respect for themselves and people around them
Pfffft wat

del Toro had to migrate because the cartels kidnapped and ransomed his father

Rich Mexicans often get second thoughts about living in Mexico

are you dannyboytbh ?


Wow no sabia lo de su padre, aparte jewllywood le ha cancelado muchos proyectos a del toro, parece que no lo quieren ver triunfar.

That ticks me off more than plain Sup Forums racist-types. At least they aren't hypocrites and sometimes also have latino acquaintances. SJW-types are condescending and think they know better than me. Fuck, half our comedians make fun of our own stereotypes or embody them in their character. If you can't laugh at yourself, fuck you.

>talks shit yet promotes Trump

Yessir, get them mexicans to fund your wall, and have their illegals build it. Surely this is doable, as is deporting millions (without an amendment, you can't take citizenship away from someone who was born here).

Yep, you sure showed me.

Toma demasiado tiempo por su trabajo, no me sorprende que se canceló

Nose, le han cancelado varios proyectos incluso hasta en los videojuegos.
Le cancelaron su Pacific Rim 2 y creo que hasta se lo dieron a otro director.
Y le negaron Hellboy 3.

>luis miguel

He's practically white

For Mexicans stereotypes is just banter, really, not something worth getting offended by.

Not that guy, but I'll take a re-watchable movie/show over 'artistic' shit any day. I have 2001 on blu-ray and I couldn't even get through it once, while The Godfather I've seen multiple times.

He is mostly genetically white, but still mexican cause his family spent a long time there.

race =/= nationality

>He's a scientologist
That explains why he's showing up everywhere.

Not even europeans can compete