Find a flaw

Find a flaw

>Protip: You can't

I don't get it.

It's just chloe standing next to a magazine cover that has her picture.







what the fuck

that face is one big flaw!


5/10 and I'm being serious


Close. Hands need to be bigger. Person in that pic looks related to trump with those hands.

That chin could put someone's eye out

she is a handsome woman.

She really doesn't have the figure to pull that dress off. She's too thick on the top and not nearly hour-glass enough. Something like that should be ultra-tight around the waist and hips and then flowing around the legs instead of just just straight down.




All out of rare chloes

please for the love of god someone shop the disgusted valet into the faces on the bench in the background


People who still use "Protip: you can't" are fucking lame.