Is there any legit methods to make your dick bigger? I want to make my dick longer. Pic related muh dick
Is there any legit methods to make your dick bigger? I want to make my dick longer. Pic related muh dick
you could consider surgery
that would make your duck flaccid tho
other than that, no
There is a new method where they take fat from your gut and inject it into your dick. think it's only in UK though.
There is also the jelqing method with body building supplements, does it work? worked for me. went from 6" to 8" pic related
Bruh are u serious
How long did it take u to get to 8
how long did it take you? also isn't it dangerous? I heard it can do serious damage
2 1/2 years, have to sick with it
2 years 5 months, it's dangerous if you don't listen to your body and know when to stop or do something stupid, like trying to jelq with a full blown hard on. It can be done but you have to go SLOW.
mix around with techniques, remember to do them, actually do them. measure once then throw the ruler away and just jelq.
Can you stop when you reach your desired lenght? Or will you lose the gains when you stop.