Experienced anons, how is she in bed You think?

Experienced anons, how is she in bed You think?

asking for real




how u know?

probably is super tight, but makes you do all the work.

A definite pump n' dump.



I don't know really. Don't get me wrong, she's fucking hot, but it's just a feeling that I have when looking at her.

How would we know simply by a glance?

how would you rate her?

Well her smile doesn't reach her eyes in So she might be a bit, I dunno manipulative I guess.


what about this one?




Looks slightly miffed, why are you asking anyway?

curious if you can know just by look

She fucks like a tranquilized mattress. Girls that look like this don't ever do anything but take what they're given.

Are you her and wondering if people can read your sexual prowess just from sight?

how u know?

maybe just tell me firts

Well I can guess, but I wouldn't know unless I actually had sex with her. I mean she's pretty enough, so if her personality is also nice and she's into me, I'd definitely give her a go.

sow hat u guess then

so what*

Probably inexperienced, but willing to learn. Some self esteem issues that could be resolved through encouragement and possibly professional help if it is severe. All in all, might be good in the sack with some practice.

well u wrong then

Sure why not, I'm just guessing anyway.
It's almost impossible to guess by looks alone.

one more chance
shes well experienced

so guess what she like?

This feels a lot like "guess what would gratify me user". I literally have no way of knowing, but going by how you're reacting, I'll say assertive in what she wants, with some skill to show for it.

Boring and fussy.

The hot ones are always showered with compliments, have an easier time getting shit and generally work less for things they want.

Uglier bitches have to make up for it and compensate by giving amazing pussy.
-t. Chad

I'm guessing this was the wrong answer as well.
What answer were you looking for op?

so what u can say about her?

Looks are fading a bit (laugh lines, subtle eye bags), her masquera is overdone.

Probably one of those types that are very self conscious and/or feed for compliments.

If she's Hispanic, highly religious or lesbian, good luck son.

If she's just a girl next door, she'd probably be down for anal. Big plus if she's got hookups for drugs.

well she just girl next door man
its her as well in these pics so what more You can say? please answer

This feels more and more like a borderline girl trolling for compliments thread, as time goes on.

I agree.
Or a cuck/permavirgin subtly worming their way to see how dudes would have sex with girls.

just answer u fags

In the cuck/permavirgin situation, the questions would be different though. Like wwyd and how do you please this girl.
I'm leaning more towards borderline girl who wants compliments, but doesn't want to provide tits to get 'em.
This confirms it for me though.
tits or gtfo op.

Why are you spending time about something you'll never fuck anyways?


stop moaning and just answer or gtfo

I did answer and you apparently didn't like my answers, so tell us what you are up to op, because otherwise this is just a compliment fishing thread.

Welp it's official, this is a compliment fishing thread.
It's not working that well op, is it?

looks like a dead fish who couldn't care less.

Timestamp with tits for a solid rating.

Tits first, then face.

rate first than maybe

Nah op, you've been getting free opinions for most of the thread.
Somethings gotta give.

pretty shit, thinks she knows what shes doing, acts like she would know but in reality is pretty bad in whatever the fuck she trys to.
she has low selfconfidence so telling her would start some emotional shit that you're not ready for since you only want to fuck her anyway.

most of girls ive been with were exactly like that in bed.

fucking WIN that how she is

howd u knew?

Been tossing out decent rates for this thread.

Be fair, OP.

Tits and timestamp (don't even gotta show your face)

ive been with alot of girls looking like her, they're all the same somehow.
act like they have confidence until you figure them out

did i win something?

maybe so what u think about other one?

she can suck dick better than you would expect and is alright in bed yet has some inperfections on her body like "forgot to shave" spot or something similiar that you would not have expected when taking her to bed.
She's a taker and likes to be mushed in the pillow

She's energetic but directionless, the kind of girl who is really into sex but needs to be taught and controlled. But she eventually gets a lot more assertive with her needs, demanding a man who is rough and aggressive. By age 25 she's a lot to handle for most guys

with that body alone she is fine af

WHAT howud you foking knew
big win again