ITT: music that has aged horribly

ITT: music that has aged horribly

>we have a black president and you do not, so shut up, because you don't know shit about where I'm from that you didn't get from your TV

That's not even true anymore.

mac demarco's discography
london calling
pinkerton and blue album


yeah man the intellect needed to parse that and consider the time it was released is far beyond the average bear

Yes but it still happened and America still is and always will be better than everyone else.

Doesn't excuse them for references into their music that would inevitably date itself (unless they expected Obama to live for ever, and be president forever, which clearly did not happen, unless it does).

Also it's not even a zeitgeist piece so don't try to play that angle.

LCD Soundsystem is boring

>because it references a few current events (or events that WERE current) it "aged horribly"
tell that shit to any political song whatsoever

wow this might actually be the most short sighted post I've ever seen on this board

There has literally never been a great song, poem, or work of literature that referenced current events. all great political works only talk in axiology that can be applied to all eras. ok bub?

>a singular line reflects the quality of an album
>it is impossible to think about the context in which an album was released
>nobody listening to this album in the year 2017+ could conceptualized the fact that we once had a black president
>a singular line reflects the entirety of an album's lyrical content
>lyrics in a dance album matter
>implying This Is Happening isn't a 9/10

i know this is bait but fuck you

literally what
I don't even know where to start about how wrong this is

I have quite good eyesight.

Murphy needlessly alienate every single smart, thinking man who listens to lyrics and won't be around when there's no black president in the white house. Brings it down to a 7/10 at most.


>thinking man
>not knowing we once had a black president

what would being smart or thinking have to do with it? Do dumb people not know the president is white? Can one line actually have that much effect on any album's quality? Should I actually have bothered entering a thread that was so clearly bait?

I respectfully disagree sir, I think he is a talented music man but shoots himself in the foot by referencing black presidents who will always be there

memes are not argumnetations

I'm starting to realize that 2010 was a good fucking year

It really was.
This is Happening, MBDTF, Age of Adz, Suburbs, Cosmogramma, The Monitor
It was a fun time.

this president isnt white hes orange big difference, but obama WAS black skinned, very much so i believe. So that is clearly different from why did he call the president black?

because in 2010 the president was black
and that was a big deal
and anyone with half a brain can see that the president was black when the album was made and that was a big deal

yes but this goes to the very issue of blackness, and race in a general being a social construction project. how many people with the potential of Einstein have died in factories and sweatshops? but then again, how many hitlers? four?

>the music aged horribly because it made one political reference that was relevant during it's time
This is some next level retardation.

that style of dance punk is already very 80s and dated, so what difference does mentioning obama make?


Here's to you, Nicola and Bart, rest forever here in our heart.
The last and final moment was yours.
That agony was your triumph.

I've actually done all the calculations, and i can tell you the answer is 6 with certainty. however, at least 10 cures for cancer were lost

Dead Kennedys were singing about their governor in 1980 and they're considered alltime classics.



>memes are not argumnetations
Actually they are. You just conveniently ignored his point because it was in a "meme" format.

Should I add a "smug .jpg" on my post to further mock you, or do you get it now?