Jeb! was hero we needed, not the one we deserved
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Jeb!'s entire life is a drama movie
Republicans are so likeable when they lose.
Please clap
Anybody else on Sup Forums a Jebhead?
very low energy
What went wrong, Jebheads?
wtf i love turtles now
>Based Jimmy still kicking
Now they're bringing out the big guns though.
Christ does carter even know where he is any more hes so damn old. Prolly wheeled to the stage with the other crippled and blind people. Taken advantage of for progressive points.
Actually he's surprisingly lucid and articulate. Sounds way younger than he is.
Elites have access to life extending medical tech.
Sup Forums please Leave.
You think that's bad? You don't know the meaning of cringe.
Jesus Christ this picture is so fucking 90's. Look at that fucking watch.
>tfw you got to see Donald Trump destroy and piss on the Bush family legacy live on tv
This is the best presidential race ever
I used to think those watches were so cool and hi-tech as a kid.
LOL, this.
Remember how the entire Bush family were pushing for him to be the Republican candidate, but George, the literal unloved black sheep of the family, beat him to it?
God damn it.
Why did he emasculate himself? Laughing at yourself is ok but this isn't. No confidence at all
Does she have any movies coming out soon? They're bound to bomb due to Trump's meme magick.
Jeb is a MESS, Jeb is a WASTE
>what's that at the end?
>oh, it's turtles